We are excited to announce the general availability of two new output stream destinations: MongoDB Time Series and InfluxDB. With Golioth, you can now stream your IoT device data directly into these popular databases, eliminating the need for additional backend APIs to ingest data. This expands your integration possibilities with Golioth, bringing more flexibility and efficiency to your IoT data handling.

Why MongoDB Time Series and InfluxDB?

As an enabler of a broad range of IoT applications, Golioth understands the diverse requirements of various remote sensing applications. Sensor data, by nature, is time series data – it’s collected at regular intervals and is most valuable when observed over time for trends and patterns.

MongoDB Time Series and InfluxDB are databases specifically designed for this kind of data.

MongoDB Time Series is a powerful extension of MongoDB, specifically tailored for time-series data. Its strength lies in its built-in capabilities for handling large-scale, high-throughput, and complex querying scenarios. With this, storing and analyzing time-series data becomes effortless, making it ideal for IoT use cases.

InfluxDB, on the other hand, is a high-performance data store purpose-built for time-series data. It stands out for its support for high throughput ingest, compression, and real-time querying. This makes InfluxDB particularly suited to handle the high write and query loads commonly associated with large IoT deployments.

Expanding Your IoT Data Integration Possibilities

At Golioth, our goal is to streamline the path from idea to deployment in IoT development. The addition of MongoDB Time Series and InfluxDB to our output streams is a major milestone, enhancing the way you can route your IoT data directly to your preferred databases.

If you’re already using MongoDB Time Series or InfluxDB, this update allows for a seamless flow of information from your IoT devices to your databases, unifying your tech stack and simplifying your development experience.

With the incorporation of these new output streams, we’re supporting a broader spectrum of use cases and accelerating the journey from prototype to production.

Learn More about the New Output Streams

You can get started with MongoDB Time Series and InfluxDB output streams by following the guides in our documentation:

To understand more about output streams, how they work, and why they’re beneficial to your IoT projects, take a look at our previous post on output streams.

Need Help or Want More Database Support?

If you have any questions or need help getting started with MongoDB Time Series or InfluxDB output streams, don’t hesitate to reach out on our community forum. Our team and fellow Golioth users are there to help you.

If you’re using a different database and would like to connect it to Golioth, please let us know at [email protected]. Your feedback will help us prioritize support for other database output streams in the future.

We’re excited to see what you build with these new capabilities. As always, we’re here to support your IoT journey. Your feedback and questions are always welcome.

Happy building!

How do you show a device connected to and controlled from the Internet? Golioth is literally doing this every day, so we built a piece of custom hardware that shows what’s going on when a device is passing sensor data up to the cloud and receiving commands in return. We call it Ostentus, and it’s a beautiful combination of ePaper, back-lit LEDs, and capacitive touch.

The origins of the word Ostentus come from the Latin: expose to view, exhibit, show. This is a perfect codename for the modular faceplate we built to show off Golioth’s reference designs. Let’s see it in action and dive into the details of how we built it.

Add to any project via I2C

Ostentus communicates with its host hardware over i2c, receiving a simple set of commands to update the display and LEDs.

Golioth is headed to the Embedded World conference next week and you’ll see these faceplates on a number of different demo units. They scroll through different sensor readings, including the option for a summary page. At boot, they display the logo that accompanies the demo. They can also be used to read out connection and other information from the device.

There’s a helper library that is added to an existing project as a submodule. For most of our demos, we just insert a couple dozen lines of code to pipe six(ish) different readings to the display.

Ostentus’ Hardware Origin Story

User interfaces grow in complexity very quickly. Our primary goal was to make it simple to add Ostentus to any IoT project, for any of the SDKs that we support (3 and growing!). That means simplicity from both the hardware and firmware side of things.

The latest Golioth reference designs use the MikroElectronika Click ecosystem for sensors, and include at least to Qwiic connectors. This means two things:

  • We don’t have a ton of extra pins to drive something like a display direct from our chosen microcontroller
  • I2C is already used in pretty much everything we demonstrate

We chose to utilize I2C and have the Ostentus board act as just another I2C peripheral.

Next, we’ve done a lot of work with ePaper through our trainings (and other shenanigans). It is kind of magical how easy it is to read, and how it retains an image even when powered off. We ordered an assortment of different displays in December to spec them out for our purposes.

The chip shortage drove our choice of microcontrollers. We landed on the RP2040 microcontroller because of its knack to remain in-stock. It also helps that it’s a powerhouse, with 133 MHz dual-core, “PIO” which are hardware-based state machines (more on those later), abundant pins, SRAM, external flash…all for a somewhat low price. We had originally planned to populate the RP2040 and its necessary circuitry directly on the PCB, but the ease, availability, and cost of the Pico boards led us to include them as modules.

Finally, we have a wealth of past experience producing circuit boards that themselves were meant to look amazing without being placed in a case. This informed the board design and passive component decisions for a fantastic aesthetic. The LEDs are on the underside of the board, shining up through the substrate to appear as illuminated icons. There are also three capacitive touch pads that allow for user feedback. All of this is wrapped in matte black solder mask, making it look more like a (Dark) Apple product and less a PCB. The result is a perfect replacement for the plain plastic covers of the project boxes we told you about last week.

Is it Firmware or Software?

PCB faceplate on a Golioth power monitor reference design

The heavy lifting for the display graphics is all handled by the RP2040 on the board. When we landed on this chip we looked around for other projects using it along with ePaper and found the Pimoroni Badger 2040. That dev board is based around MicroPython, which we hadn’t originally set out to use, but it makes a lot of sense. You can plug USB into it and upload new graphics without rebuilding/reflashing firmware. That has modularity written all over it! We did some early testing to see if the pimoroni-pico repository could be extended for Golioth’s needs and it looked promising.

Unfortunately, Ostentus didn’t have enough physical space for the same ePaper display. We spun up our own driver based on the Good Display sample code for the GDEH0154D67, a 1.54″ square display that packs in a remarkable 200×200 pixel resolution.

Communications proved a bit of a challenge. Ostentus is an I2C peripheral device and needs to listen on the bus while a lot of other stuff is going on. We were lucky to find Daniel Gorbea’s I2C multi-address library. It builds for the Pico-SDK, utilizing the PIO and interrupts for tight hardware timing. This receives incoming I2C messages over the Qwiic connector, immediately updating LED state for certain commands, and buffering the rest for MicroPython to access.

MicroPython makes images, fonts, and screen control a breeze. There was a learning curve in getting the C code to play nicely with the Python, but it’s not to hard to pick up. For this year’s conference we’ve set up the MicroPython layer to run a slideshow of sensor values. The controlling device registers each slide over I2C, sending a string as the label and assigning a unique key. That key is later used to send updated values as they become available.

What a Show!

It’s been a whirlwind adventure getting to this point. But let’s be honest, most of the Internet of Things industry happens in abstract and non-obvious ways. Golioth moves the ball on securely connecting and controlling microcontroller-level devices, and lots of them. Ostentus makes it much easier for us to show that story in real-time, at a booth, in the middle of tens of thousands of awesome embedded engineers. We can’t wait you see you next week. At the very least, you’ll want to stop by for a hands-on view of our sleek new Ostentus board!

Cellular IoT products struggle with battery life. Getting and staying connected to a cell tower takes a good amount of energy. Though we’re past the days of GSM drawing amps of current (!), it is still costly to open sessions to the tower. Understanding how your device is communicating with the Cloud is crucial to building robust devices that will last years in the field.

This webinar will include Golioth team members, alongside Jared Wolff of CircuitDojo. Jared is an early adopter of Golioth and a Golioth Ambassador, as well as an advocate for Zephyr devices. Golioth utilizes Jared’s nRF9160 Feather board designs in all of our current cellular-based Reference Designs.

What you can expect from this Webinar

First and foremost, we hope to make this a more dynamic and interactive session than many technical webinars. (No one will be reading Powerpoint slides in a monotone voice here!) The session will cover:

  • Understanding your connection to cellular towers
  • Understanding your power draw when in a passive or sleep mode
  • Measurement challenges for embedded cellular projects
  • Methods for saving data (and power) when connecting to the cloud
  • Building robust device health metrics for your fleet
  • System architecture decisions for lower power circuit boards

Sign up now!

This webinar is at 1 pm EST / 10 am PST on January 18th, 2023. If you can’t make it the day of, you can still still sign up to access the on-demand content. Those who attend will have an opportunity to ask questions towards the end of the presentation.

Golioth is secure by default, offering a couple of different ways for your devices to establish a secure connection to the Golioth Servers. When trying out features in the lab, pre-shared keys (PSK) are fine. But when moving devices into production, there is no substitute for certificate-based authentication.

Today we are announcing the ability to use Certificates with the Golioth platform.

Certificates deliver numerous security benefits when compared to pre-shared keys. This is especially true when it comes to provisioning your IoT fleet. As devices roll off the assembly line, they can be granted individual device certificates signed using a trusted chain of root certificates and intermediate certificates. At that point, the devices are not yet registered on the Golioth server. When they first connect, the certificates are verified against the chain of trust and a record of the trust-verified device is created. This simplifies the registration of a large influx of new devices, as happens in a production environment.

Let’s walk through the process used to get to that point.

How to generate and use certificates with Golioth

Generating a self-signed root certificate

A root certificate is a cryptographic public/private key pair. The private key is used to sign all device certificates. The public key is uploaded to the Golioth server and used at the project level to verify each device certificate when establishing a secure connection.


# Generate an elliptic curve private key 
# Run `openssl ecparam -list_curves` to list all available algorithms
# Keep this key safe! Anyone who has it can sign authentic-looking device certificates
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out "${SERVER_NAME}.key.pem"

# Create and self-sign a corresponding public key / certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key "${SERVER_NAME}.key.pem" -sha256 -subj "/C=BR/CN=Root ${SERVER_NAME}" -days 1024 -out "${SERVER_NAME}.crt.pem"

The code above generates two files. The golioth.key.pem is the private key which you must safeguard. All credentials created from this private root key will be fully trusted. Golioth will not have a copy of this key.

The golioth.crt.pem is the public key that is uploaded to Golioth. This serves as a way to verify device credentials as trusted. It cannot be used to sign new device certificates, only the private key has that power.

Upload the root certificate public key to Golioth

Certificate authentication

As of December 2022, the Golioth console includes a “Certificates” option on the left sidebar menu. The resulting window is used to upload the root certificate public key. This is all that you need to do to prepare the Golioth Cloud for your fleet. As long as each IoT device has its own certificate signed with your root certificate’s private key, it will be added to this project the first time it tries to connect to Golioth.

Generate device certificates


# Generate an elliptic curve private key
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out "${CLIENT_NAME}.key.pem"

# Create a certificate signing request (CSR)
# (this is what you would normally give to your CA / PKI to sign)
openssl req -new -key "${CLIENT_NAME}.key.pem" -subj "/C=BR/O=${PROJECT_SLUG}/CN=${PRIMARY_HARDWARE_ID}" -out "${CLIENT_NAME}.csr.pem"

# Sign the certificate (CSR) using the previously generated self-signed root certificate
openssl x509 -req \
    -in "${CLIENT_NAME}.csr.pem" \
    -CA "${SERVER_NAME}.crt.pem" \
    -CAkey "${SERVER_NAME}.key.pem" \
    -CAcreateserial \
    -out "${CLIENT_NAME}.crt.pem" \
    -days 500 -sha256

# Convert device certificates to DER format
openssl x509 -in ${CLIENT_NAME}.crt.pem -outform DER -out ${CLIENT_NAME}.crt.pem.der
openssl ec -in ${CLIENT_NAME}.key.pem -outform DER -out ${CLIENT_NAME}.key.pem.der

The root certificate is the source of trust, and all device certificates are created using this private key. This is why it is crucial that you safeguard your root certificate(s). Device credentials are created using the private key and added to your fleet during production. If newly created devices are compromised, it will not affect any other device credentials already out in the field because they don’t hold the (root) private key, they were simply generated from it.

The code above uses the Golioth Project ID as the PROJECT_SLUG and the SERVER_NAME to connect to the correct project. The root certificate public key was uploaded to this project in the previous section. When creating device certificates, the PRIMARY_HARDWARE_ID is a unique identifier that you generate (e.g. MAC address, naming scheme, any string will work). You need one of these for each device in your fleet.

As with the root certificate, the device certificate creation process will generate a public/private key pair. Both are loaded onto the device and used when establishing a secure connection to the Golioth Servers.

Golioth uses ECDSA (a note for other encryption geeks like us)

When a device is ready to connect to Golioth, it will request and download a server-side (public) certificate. That too will be signed by a trusted authority. The device will need to verify that certificate to ensure it’s not attempting to connect to a bad actor, such as someone pretending to be Golioth by using a “man-in-the-middle” (MITM) attack.

At Golioth, we are embedded developers as well as Cloud experts, so we chose an encryption that is as friendly as possible to resource-constrained devices. That is why we have all the certificates in the chain use ECDSA keys. They are significantly smaller to transfer and less resource intensive for embedded processing.


We’ve previously written about the importance of using certificates for Internet of Things (IoT) authentication. Certificate validation scales well, especially when it comes to provisioning devices during manufacture. New credentials can be signed with a root certificate without needing to share them back to the cloud server. And since those devices will be sent out into the field there’s an additional security benefit: compromised devices don’t expose symmetrical keys as is the case with PSK-based encryption.

In most cases, production deployments should consider certificate-based authentication for their IoT fleet. The certificate feature is built into Golioth and ready to use today.

We’d love to hear about how you are securing your company’s IoT fleet. Share your questions and tips on the Golioth Forum and don’t hesitate to reach out to our Developer Relations team if you’re interested in a guided tour of our certificate-based authentication!

Jon Beri, Chris Gammell, and Mike Szczys are headed for Pasadena this weekend for the Hackaday Superconference! After a hiatus of several years, we’re excited to get back out into the hardware community and this has become something of a can’t miss event for that crowd.

This is the first time the three of us will be there showcasing Golioth. We’d love to discuss what our next-gen device management can do for you IoT fleet. Let us know you’ll be there using the DevRel email, so we don’t miss a chance to discuss in person.

Open Source RTOS on a Connected ePaper Badge

To kick off the con this Friday we’re presenting our developer training as a Supercon workshop. It focuses on getting started with the Zephyr RTOS.

We’ve been polishing our approach to training all year and this is the culmination of that work. A month ago Chris wrote about the Kasm “container in a browser” experience we’re using to pre-install all the build tools. We’ll be using that approach this weekend so that attendees can be up and compiling within minutes of starting. The workshop will build some muscle memory on the compiling/flashing process, then dive into Devicetree, Pin Control, working with sensors, and the basics of device/cloud interactivity needed in a successful IoT deployment.

The tickets for the workshop sold out right away. If you’re at Supercon, we’d be happy to go through the training with you during “alley-con”. Find us at any time during the weekend to try it out yourself, or even to get a quick badge demo. If you can’t make it to the conference, you can do a self-guided version of the Golioth Developer Training or sign up for future versions of in-person and remote hardware training.


This is the sixth Hackaday Superconference and the first in-person even following a two-year pandemic hiatus. An intimate gathering of fewer than 500 people, everyone you see there has a fascinating backstory, usually involving (or adjacent to) electronic hardware creation. There’s a workshop on designing your own ASICs, talks on wearables, manufacturing, grant-writing for open-source, and the list goes on. Our own Chris Gammell is presenting on his experience as a one-engineer dev shop. Both Mike and Chris helped to kickstart the conference 6 years ago and we’re thrilled that it’s still such a vibrant gathering of hardware enthusiasts.

Almost everyone brings along demos of what we’ve been working on; you can bank on us having a bunch of Golioth demos in our backpacks. There’s also a custom electronic badge, this year it’s an intricate handheld 4-bit computer, complete with a 12-button input register for shifting in your machine-language formatted commands.

Given that there is an input/output expansion header on this badge, it would be a shame if we made it through the weekend without connecting this thing to the Internet in an interesting way. Hit us up on the Golioth Forum thread for this post if you have some ideas on where we can go with that concept.

Take Us for a Test-Drive

We’re not stopping until we’ve spread the word about Golioth. Device management is the piece of IoT ecosystem that companies keep reinventing–a painful and fraught process. Our Dev Tier is free for the first 50 devices.

As your fleet moves from 10 to 100 to 1,000 devices, you face a growing set of problems with handling the data, command and control of the devices themselves, remote firmware updates, and the big one: making sure it remains secure. Give us a chance to show you how we’ve solved these problems, and many you haven’t even thought of yet.

Head over to the Golioth Console to get your free account, then checkout out the Getting Started docs, or jump into the Developer Training we mentioned earlier. Interested in joining a future in-person or remote training? Sign up here.

The Internet of Things is all about transferring data between devices and the cloud. Of course not all data is equal, but with just a few core services you can cover all the bases. One example is the need for persistent data that is easily accessible.

With the Golioth LightDB State service, data can be stored and retrieved from the both the Device and the Cloud side. This is useful for reporting status information, restoring configurations after a power cycle/network outage, and indicating desired changes.

How Golioth enables persistent data

Recording sensor readings might be the first use that comes to mind for IoT devices (our LightDB Stream service is built for that!) but many times we also need stateful data.

State data has no concept of time but instead answers the question: “what was the last status we received?” It acts as a single point of truth that’s quick and easy to access from both the device side and the cloud side. Every time you request a state endpoint you can be sure you’re getting the most recently updated value.

Devices in the field can use state data to report their actual state, things like:

  • What is the timestamp of the last reboot?
  • How full is that SD card used for offline storage
  • What units has the user set for sensor data?

From the Cloud side, state data may be used for command and control. By setting a “desired state” in the Golioth LightDB State, devices with infrequent connects will receive their marching orders the next time they reconnect. Of course this use-case is also solved by the Golioth Device Settings Service which allows project-wide settings adjustments.

LightDB State data can be as simple as a single key/value pair, or as complex as a nested data structure. Devices registered to observe values will be notified every time there is new state data available.

LightDB State using Zephyr RTOS

Your device chooses a path to store and access the LightDB State data. The cloud doesn’t need to be prepared in advance. If your device sends data to a new state endpoint it will automatically be created. There are number of examples of LightDB State API in the Golioth Zephyr SDK.

/* Setting a value on the "counter" endpoint */
err = golioth_lightdb_set_cb(client, "counter",
                 sbuf, strlen(sbuf),
                 counter_set_handler, NULL);

/* Observing data changes on the "desired/my_config" endpoint */
err = golioth_lightdb_observe_cb(client, "desired/my_config",
                 desired_state_handler, NULL);

Here we see asynchronous API calls to set a counter endpoint and to observe data changes on a desired/my_config endpoint. In both cases a “handler” callback function is registered to process the received data (in the case of the observe operation) or handle error messages received from the server.

The Golioth Zephyr SDK also includes the option to send your sensor data using CBOR encoding. This is an alternative to JSON which serializes the data stream to a more compact form to save battery (less radio-on time) and bandwidth (fewer bits being transmitted).

LightDB State using ESP-IDF

The ESP-IDF SDK shares a very similar set of API calls. The device again chooses the endpoint to use on the Golioth LightDB State service. The golioth_basics sample code demonstrates how to use the set/get/observe functions.

/* Setting a value on the "counter" endpoint */
golioth_lightdb_set_int_async(client, "counter", counter, NULL, NULL);

/* Observing data changes on the "desired/my_config" endpoint */
golioth_lightdb_observe_async(client, "desired/my_config", on_my_config, NULL);

Here we see asynchronous API calls used to set the counter endpoint and observe the desired/my_config endpoint.

LightDB State using your own solution

For the extra ambitious out there, you could roll your own device side code that allows you to connect to Golioth. This is the kind of work our wonderful firmware team does whenever they spin up a new SDK. Some of the required elements include:

  • mbedtls in order to create a DTLS connection to the Golioth Cloud
  • A CoAP library
  • (optional) a CBOR library to encode the data

We hardly ever recommend doing this unless you are a very advanced user. Instead, our existing SDKs cover a wide swath of parts, ecosystems, and Real Time Operating Systems. If you are interested in one we don’t already cover, please let us know.

Formatting data and access from the cloud

The Golioth LightDB State service will accept and store any properly-formatted data encoded in either JSON or CBOR. If the endpoint doesn’t yet exist, it will be created when data is received. null will be received when requesting a non-existent endpoint.

As an example, your device might send the following JSON string to LightDB state:

{ "status": { "last_reboot": 1666586559, "location": {"lat":42.988814,"lon":-90.139254,"alt":369.7,"accuracy":2.3,"speed":0.0,"heading":0.0,"time":"2022-10-31T22:49:03.239Z"}, "debug_mode": 0 } }

This imaginary device is recording the last time it rebooted, saving a location from its GPS unit, and reporting on whether or not the debug mode is activated. Whether this data is sent as JSON (which is the case here) or CBOR, the Golioth Console will unpack the information and display it as human-readable JSON:

Golioth LightDB State

What’s really great is that once the data arrives on the Golioth Servers it’s incredibly easy to work with. You can get real-time updates using WebSockets, connect your data to your favorite cloud provider (e.g. AWS, Azure, or GCP) using our Output Streams, and access/update the data using the Golioth REST API.

Start using LightDB State Today!

All of our Device SDKs show how to use LightDB State with minimal code writing from the user. Just pass your state data up to Golioth and you’ll be on your way. Stop by our Forums or send us an email if you get stuck.

Golioth now supports Infineon parts via the ModusToolbox™. We added Golioth device management to the ecosystem a few weeks ago and the example code is available right now to run on Infineon’s line of microcontrollers talking to their Wi-Fi parts.

ModusToolbox™ (MTB) is a software support tool from Infineon Technologies. It includes partner SDKs alongside the company’s officially supported IDEs, drivers, and examples. You can pull in the Golioth example and all dependencies using the Eclipse IDE that is included in MTB, or via the command line tool.

Infineon’s PSoC™ 6 chips are feature rich 32-bit Arm microcontrollers. Paired with the Infineon 4343W, it’s a perfect platform for IoT device builders, and exactly the kind of constrained device that Golioth was built for.

Take advantage of Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates, time-series databases, state data management, remote logging, plus the command/control features like remote procedure call (RPC) and the device settings service. The API calls for each of these are demonstrated and well-commented in the golioth_main.c file.

Try the Golioth example using ModusToolbox™

PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W)

We run the Golioth example on the PSoC™ 6Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W). Here’s how to try it for yourself:

1. Install Infineon’s ModusToolbox™

Begin by downloading and installing ModusToolbox™ for your system. Then run modustoolbox-eclipsewhich is located in the ide_3.0/eclipse/ subfolder.

2. Create a Golioth Example project

With the Eclipse IDE open, click on File→New→ModsToolbox Application. This will launch the project creator window.

Select the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W from the list of PSoC™ 6 boards and then click next.

Choose the Golioth Example from the Wi-Fi list and click on the Create button. This will take a couple of minutes to clone the Golioth code and all dependencies.

3. Compile and Install MCUboot

Golioth uses MCUboot as the secure bootloader for our Over-the-Air updates. Before flashing the app to the board, we need to compile and install MCUboot. I did this using the IDE’s built-in terminal.

First, we need to install the MCUboot dependencies.

cd ~/mtw/mtb_shared/mcuboot/v1.8.1-cypress/scripts/
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Now we can compile and flash MCUboot. Remember to plug a USB cable into the KITPROG3 connector on your PSoC™ 6 devboard before running the program command:

cd ~/mtw/Golioth_Example/bootloader_cm0p/
make build_proj -j8
make program_proj

4. Compile and flash the Golioth App

Before compiling the Golioth App we need to give it credentials to connect to Wi-Fi and also to authenticate with the Golioth server. These are set in the ~/mtw/Golioth_Example/golioth_app/source/golioth_main.hfile.

Use the Wi-Fi credentials for your local access point. Get device credentials from the Golioth Console. If you’ve haven’t yet set up an account, check out our Quickstart. (With Golioth’s Dev Tier your first 50 devices are free.)

Once you’ve saved your changes to the golioth_main.h file, use the terminal to compile and flash the app to your PSoC™ 6 board:

cd ~/mtw/Golioth_Example/golioth_app
make build_proj -j8
make program_proj

Taking the Golioth App for a test drive

[INF] MCUBoot Bootloader Started
[INF] External Memory initialized w/ SFDP.
[INF] boot_swap_type_multi: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_don3
[INF] boot_swap_type_multi: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_d3
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] User Application validated successfully
[INF] Starting User Application (wait)...
[INF] Start slot Address: 0x10018400
[INF] MCUBoot Bootloader finished
[INF] Deinitializing hardware...
External Memory initialized w/ SFDP.
[GoliothApp] Version: 1.0.0, CPU: CM4

[GoliothApp] Watchdog timer started by the bootloader is now turned off to mark.
[GoliothApp] User LED toggles at 1000 msec interval

WLAN MAC Address : 74:7A:90:D4:5F:04
WLAN Firmware    : wl0: Jul 18 2021 19:15:39 version (56df937 CY) FWID 01-69db62cf
WLAN CLM         : API: 12.2 Data: 9.10.39 Compiler: 1.29.4 ClmImport: 1.36.3 Creation: 2021-07-18 19:03:20 
WHD VERSION      : v2.5.0 : v2.5.0 : GCC 10.3 : 2022-09-23 13:14:02 +0800
Wi-Fi Connection Manager initialized.
Successfully connected to Wi-Fi network 'MyWiFiAP'.
IP Address Assigned:
Secure Sockets initialized
I (5515) golioth_main: Waiting to Golioth to connect...
I (5638) golioth_coap_client: Start CoAP session with host: coaps://coap.golioth.io
I (5643) libcoap: Setting PSK key

I (5649) golioth_coap_client: Entering CoAP I/O loop
I (5886) golioth_main: Golioth client connected
I (5996) golioth_fw_update: Current firmware version: 1.0.0
I (6060) golioth_fw_update: Waiting to receive OTA manifest
I (6258) golioth_fw_update: Received OTA manifest
I (6258) golioth_fw_update: Manifest does not contain different firmware version. Nothing to do.
I (6260) golioth_fw_update: Waiting to receive OTA manifest
I (6322) golioth_main: Synchronously got my_int = 42
I (6323) golioth_main: Entering endless loop
I (9006) golioth_main: Callback got my_int = 42
I (9286) golioth_main: Setting loop delay to 5 s

By monitoring the serial output from the device (that’s /dev/ttyACM0 on my system) we can see all the parts of the app at work. The board powers up and reports the firmware version before connecting to Wi-Fi. Once a Golioth connection is established it checks for firmware updates before it starts writing data to the cloud.

You can view device logs remotely through the Golioth console. Here we see “Sending hello!” messages arriving along with a counter.

Viewing state data for this device, the counter variable is update at the same rate as the hello messages. In the Device Settings on the left sidebar of the console you can add LOOP_DELAY_S and remotely control how how many seconds the device pauses for between sending back these message. It’s a perfect way to control sensor reading frequency across your entire fleet.

Adding Golioth to existing Infineon PSoC™ 6 projects

The Golioth example that is part of ModusToolbox™ is a great blueprint for adding device management to your PSoC™ 6 projects. We’d love to hear what you’re build, and if you need some help we’re here to lend a hand. Show off your successes and post questions on the Golioth forum. Feel free to reach out to the Golioth Developer Relations team to set up a demo or discuss the needs of your IoT fleet.

The Golioth Zephyr SDK is now 100% easier to use. The new v0.4.0 release was tagged on Wednesday and delivers all of the Golioth features with less coding work needed to use them in your application. Highlights include:

  • Asynchronous function/callback declaration is greatly simplified
    • User-defined data can now be passed to callbacks
  • Synchronous versions of each function were added
  • API is now CoAP agnostic (reply handling happens transparently)
  • User code no longer needs to register an on_message() callback
  • Verified with the latest Zephyr v3.2.0 and NCS v2.1.0

The release brings with it many other improvements that make your applications better, even without knowing about them. For the curious, check out the changelog for full details.

Update your code for the new API (or not)

The new API includes some breaking changes and to deal with this you have two main options:

  1. Update legacy code to use the new API
  2. Lock your legacy code to a previous Golioth version

1. Updating legacy code

The Golioth Docs have been updated for the new API, and reading through the Firmware section will give you a great handle on how everything works. The source of truth continues to be the Golioth Zephyr SDK reference (Doxygen).

Updating to the new API is not difficult. I’ve just finished working on that for a number of our hardware demos, including the magtag-demo repository we use for our Developer Training sessions. The structure of your program will remain largely the same, with Golioth function names and parameters being the most noticeable change.

Consider the following code that uses the new API to perform an asynchronous get operation for LightDB State data:

/* The callback function */
static int counter_handler(struct golioth_req_rsp *rsp)
    if (rsp->err) {
        LOG_ERR("Failed to receive counter value: %d", rsp->err);
        return rsp->err;

    LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(rsp->data, rsp->len, "Counter (async)");

    return 0;

/* Register the LightDB Get callback from somewhere in your code */
static int my_function(void)
    int err;
    err = golioth_lightdb_get_cb(client, "counter",
                                 counter_handler, NULL);

Previously, the application code would have needed to allocate a coap_reply, pass it as a parameter in the get function call, use the on_message callback to process the reply, then unpack the payload in the reply callback before acting on it. All of that busy work is gone now!

With the move to the v0.4.0 API, we don’t need to worry about anything other than:

  • Registering the callback function
  • Working with the data (or an error message) when we hear back from Golioth.

You can see the response struct makes the data itself, the length of the data, and the error message available in a very straightforward way.

A keen eye already noticed the NULL as the final parameter. This is a void * type that lets you pass your user-defined data to the callback. Any value that’s 4-bytes or less can be passed directly, or you can pass a pointer to a struct packed with information. Just be sure to be mindful of the memory allocation lifespan of what you pass.

All of the asynchronous API function calls follow this same pattern for callbacks and requests. The synchronous calls are equally simple to understand. I found the Golioth sample applications to be a great blueprint for updating the API calls in my application code. The changelog also mentions each API-altering commit which you may find useful for additional migration info.

The Golioth Forum is a great place to ask questions and share your tips and tricks when getting to know the new syntax.

2. Locking older projects to an earlier Golioth

While we recommend updating your applications, if you do have the option to continue using an older version of Golioth instead. For that, we recommend using a west manifest to lock your project to a specific version of Golioth.

Manifest files specify the repository URL and tag/hash/branch that should be checked out. That version is used when running west update, which then imports a version of Zephyr and all supporting modules specified in the Golioth SDK manifest to be sure they can build the project in peace and harmony.

By adding a manifest to your project that references the Golioth Zephyr SDK v0.3.1 (the latest stable version before the API change) you can ensure your application will build in the future without the need to change your code. Please see our forum thread on using a west manifest to set up a “standalone” repository for more information.

A friendlier interface improves your Zephyr experience

Version 0.4.0 of the Golioth Zephyr SDK greatly improves the ease-of-use when adding device management features to your IoT applications. Device credentials and a few easy-to-use APIs are all it takes to build in data handling, command and control, and Over-the-Air updates into your device firmware. With Golioth’s Dev Tier your first 50 devices are free so you can start today, and as always, get in touch with us if you have any questions along the way!

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are meant to be out in the world, sending back sensor data and providing remote control for all kinds of automation. That provides an interesting challenge when you want to update the way the device operates. Updating device firmware Over-The-Air (OTA) is a critical feature of every IoT deployment.

While OTA updates go by a number of names (DFU, FOTA, etc.) Golioth specializes in making these features available and easy to manage for huge fleets made up of numerous different hardware variants.

OTA Is Difficult

We know what you’re thinking… your design is feature complete when manufactured, why update the firmware? Just kidding, we know you’d never say that. This isn’t about how well you can write the device code today. Including the ability to remotely update firmware will extend the service life of your products, whether it’s adding features you haven’t yet thought about, or patching security vulnerabilities that don’t currently exist. Everyone needs this!

So why aren’t firmware update features more common in embedded devices, especially those that are going to be IoT devices? In short: because it’s difficult!

When an engineer starts a new embedded project, it is almost always local to their development laptop or desktop. They compile and flash “hello world” to their embedded device and then try to get an LED blinking. If the engineer is starting with a simple main.c file and expecting to build things up from there, they need to layer on network stacks, IP handling, message parsing, and a bunch more just to talk to the internet. Then they need to set up the Cloud side of things. Maybe the engineer expects they can fetch from a file hosting service–not the best, but it works in a pinch. But what about managing the entire process? You could implement remote control to tell a device when to update, but that requires even more Cloud side code. Or you can choose to do device-side control that determines when and how to run an update. In both cases, you also need to understand how to properly interact with the device bootloader without bricking the device in the field.

When engineers have this many tasks to get OTA going, it’s no wonder this task is left for “some day”.

How Golioth Manages OTA Updates

As a device management cloud, Golioth delivers all of the tools you need for dependable OTA. That means associating new firmware binaries with specific hardware variants in your fleet, using a rollout process that informs the device a new version is available, and confirming the state of the currently running firmware. Among the most popular Golioth features is a one-click roll-back to previous firmware version.

Manage different firmware using device blueprints

Golioth is secure by default. Firmware is downloaded over an encrypted connection, the signed binary is verified before upgrading, and devices validate that the new binary works before completely switching over.

Golioth OTA release management

Rollout (or roll back) a release with the click of a button. Device Tags filter which devices will get the update.

You can segment your fleet for early testing using our tagging feature. Then roll out new firmware to just a few devices to ensure all is well before taking the plunge on upgrading everything. When you need to troubleshoot a device, the history of its last update is readily available on the Golioth Console or via our REST API.

Take Golioth OTA for a test drive

With Golioth’s Dev Tier, your first 50 devices are free. That’s more than enough to test out OTA, alongside all the other fun features of Golioth like time-series data, the device settings service, and remote procedure calls.

Currently you can choose from two different Golioth SDKs: Zephyr or ESP-IDF.

Golioth OTA using Zephyr

The Golioth Zephyr SDK is a cross-platform solution that currently offers first-class support for the nRF9160 (cellular), mimxrt1060-evkb (Ethernet), ESP32 (WiFi). Any device that uses Zephyr as the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and uses MCUboot as the bootloader should work with Golioth.

Device serial output shows new firmware release detected, downloaded, updated, and verified after reboot.

Begin with the Golioth Quickstart that will walk through the process of signing up for the Dev tier. Move on to the hardware section to install and configure a Zephyr workspace. Then checkout the DFU (device firmware update) sample from our SDK.

Golioth OTA using ESP-IDF

Anyone working with devices from Espressif should consider using the Golioth ESP-IDF SDK. It currently offers first-class support for all chips in the ESP32 family.

Begin with the Golioth Quickstart that will walk through the process of signing up for the Golioth Dev tier. Move on to the hardware section to install and configure an ESP-IDF workspace. Then checkout the golioth-basics sample from our SDK which includes a well-commented example for using the OTA feature.

Managing firmware update is a critical piece of IoT

Problems on one device sitting on a workbench can be solved by plugging in a cable and updating the firmware directly. One thousand devices spread out over a country (or even merely separated from that firmware engineer) is a very different problem. The ability to update devices in the field means you’re not sending your coworkers to tilt at windmills in faraway lands.

Building and maintaining an OTA system is not a trivial operation, and at Golioth we pour our time and energy into getting it right. This means building with time-tested, industry leading open-source tools like MCUboot, and leveraging our vast experience in the IoT industry to plan for challenges long before you face them.

Give our Dev Tier a try and you’ll be up and running before you know it. Stop by our Forums, our Discord, or send us an email if you get stuck.