Golioth is now “open for business”

Welcome to the Dev Tier

Golioth, the straightforward commercial IoT development platform built for scale, is now generally available. This means that IoT deployments from one to one million devices can now join the platform, prototype new business concepts, and immediately scale.

We recently completed our “beta” program which was an opportunity to work with engaged hardware, firmware, and software developers. People who are building interconnected systems of hardware and cloud connectivity (AKA “IoT deployments”). We learned what this group needs on a daily and longer-term deployment basis and have refined the Golioth offering to better serve developers throughout the product development lifecycle. We now offer these services to the wider hardware development community with the click of a button.

For those just getting started, our “Dev” tier provides everything you need to evaluate and develop your proof of concept, all for free. What does that include?

  • Our open source Zephyr® SDK integrated with the Golioth Cloud
  • Support for 100+ hardware components, including the latest cellular nRF9160 from Nordic Semiconductor & the ESP32-C3 Wi-Fi SoC based on RISC-V from Espressif Systems
  • “Secure by Default” communication over an ultra-efficient protocols like CoAP
  • Access to powerful Device Services like:
    • Software updates that include secure boot and firmware management
    • A realtime NoSQL database, useful for creating Digital Twins and synchronization
    • A time-series database for storing and querying sensor data
    • A flexible logging system to collect OS & application status and troubleshoot from the field
  • A browser-based app to manage your fleet, as well as command line tools and RESTful APIs for automation
  • Community support via our Discord server and GitHub
  • Enough space to get your early deployment off the ground (see rates and limits)

For those ready to scale their product, we offer additional features including advanced reporting, white-glove service, and on-demand support.

Contact us at [email protected] about Pilots and beyond.

A brief recap of Golioth

New to Golioth? Here’s a quick overview of who we are, what we do, and the problems we’re solving.

What is Golioth?

First and foremost, Golioth is a cloud platform. We offer APIs in the form of “Device Services” and cloud processing for your IoT fleet. For developers, this means you can point their embedded devices at these endpoints on the web and have access to some really advanced capabilities.

Why build Golioth at all? We see product teams creating these same functions over and over again with their cloud teams, with no standardization and without flexibility across cloud providers. What’s worse, these features are tough to build until development teams grow to a certain size. With Golioth, we have standardized an offering of key services and make them available from day one of hardware development.

An IoT deployment is nothing without hardware, and we want to support as much choice as possible. That’s why we support our community by offering the Golioth SDK built on top of Zephyr®. This is a Real Time Operating System that makes it easy to implement the networking capabilities and get started quickly. There is support across hundreds of boards and platforms, so you can customize your hardware to fit your end customers’ needs. Zephyr® is flexible enough to allow switching between platforms, which is extra critical during the chip shortages in 2021 and beyond.

What are the problems we’re solving?


The Golioth SDK is incredibly simple to set up with only 4 lines in a configuration file. Once you pull in the SDK, you not only get access to sample code to test our services, you get access to services built for hardware developers: The ability to troubleshoot, the ability to fix problems remotely, the ability to get readings from your devices, and more.


2021 has been a challenging year for sourcing hardware. Building on top of an open source Real Time Operating System (RTOS) like Zephyr® allows much needed flexibility. By abstracting away some of the hardware specificity, you gain access to a wide range of devices and types of connectivity. The Golioth Device Catalog shows a range of hardware already tested with Golioth services and many more devices that will be supported soon.


Your IoT deployment is secure from the first packet you upload to the Golioth cloud. All devices use a flexible, yet secure DTLS protocol with Pre-Shared Key authentication. The data you push from your device to the cloud will be encrypted and easily authenticated and decoded in the Golioth cloud. Our REST API uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization and web side access to the Golioth cloud conforms to industry best practices. Hardware and firmware developers can prototype within minutes, and the rest of their team will trust the incoming data from a trusted data pipeline such as Golioth. Pushing firmware updates back down to the device are also secure by default, passing signed images over an encrypted connection down to each device.

Continuous Improvement

At Golioth, we strive to continuously improve our offering for developers and their IoT deployments. What’s more, we actively engage with our community to find out what will make it more straightforward to deploy devices out into the world. Top requested features under development include security certificates, MQTT, WebSockets, with even more on the long-term roadmap.

Long Term Support

After our first year of operation, we have seen the pain that IoT companies of all sizes experience. But in this final point about who we are and what we do, we want to emphasize our support for you, the developer, and the company deploying IoT devices. We offer community-based support as part of all tiers, including the Dev Tier. For those who need or desire more hands-on support, we have white-glove service for our Pilot customers (reach out to us if this is you!). With Golioth, your IoT deployment will not only be easier to get off the ground, it will also have the ability to scale across devices, across divisions in your company, and across the globe.

Are you ready to build?

Golioth is ready for your next IoT deployment. We can help you to connect an older industrial product, your brand new asset tracker, or help you to deploy a never-before-seen device. See how Golioth speeds up development and increases the chances that your next pilot hardware will be put into production. Get started today for free with Golioth’s brand new Dev Tier.

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In September 2022, Golioth launched Account Management and Self Service Upgrades. When you’re ready to scale your fleet past 50 devices in the Dev Tier, you can upgrade your account with a couple of clicks.

Jonathan Beri
Jonathan Berihttps://golioth.io
Jonathan Beri is the founder and CEO of Golioth, a straightforward commercial IoT development platform built for scale. Jonathan has spent more than a decade building IoT solutions at companies like Google, Nest, Particle & WeWork. If you really want to get him going, ask him how he would build a real holodeck.

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