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Golioth Firmware SDK Latest Release Adds Support for Zephyr’s New Modem Subsystem and Qualcomm

Golioth works with Qualcomm. The Golioth Firmware SDK, release 0.12.0, supports the Zephyr Modem subsystem. This enables support for more modem technologies, starting with Qualcomm, and support for the Quectel BG95 as a first class cellular modem.

Creating a portable Ozone project file

Learn how to create a portable Ozone project file that you can check into a git repository for future debugging of Zephyr applications.

Beyond Arduino: Prototyping with Zephyr and Golioth

Guest Timon Skerutsch writes about building a tank level sensor using Zephyr from start of his prototype, eschewing tools like Arduino and CircuitPython.

Understanding Your Golioth Usage

Today we are launching a new feature in the Golioth console: usage visualization. All Golioth users can...

Modbus Vibration Monitor: A Golioth Reference Design

The Modbus Vibration Monitor Reference Design allows you to immediately start talking to industrial devices using the Modbus protocol

Storing Golioth credentials on the nRF9160 using TLS Tags

Nordic's nRF9160 cellular modem includes a great peripheral called the Key Management Unit (KMU). This secure key...

IoT Product Manufacturing with Golioth and Macrofab

Macrofab is an online manufacturing platform that allows engineers to seamlessly move from prototyping into production. Chris and Brenden discuss how to move IoT devices into production and all the considerations around testing, provisioning, and creating products that last.

Power Optimization Recommendations using Zephyr

In this post, we look at the absolute minimum current drawn by the nRF9160 SOC when peripherals and modems are turned off, using the Power Profiler Kit 2 (PPK2) to measure the current consumption.

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