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12 search results for: troubleshooting network


Troubleshooting IoT Cellular Connections with Nordic nRF9160

Cellular connected IoT can be intimidating, especially when the cellular connection doesn’t work, or only works intermittently. Today we will explore Nordic’s LTE Link Monitor and Cellular Monitor applications to show how you can troubleshoot cellular connection using the nRF9160 DK as the development board. Programming the modem firmware The modem allows applications to send […]


How to Get Network Information from a Nordic nRF9160 Cellular Modem

Cellular-enabled devices are often deployed into far-flung locations. They are quite likely to be out of reach from physical access once deployed. Having a way to verify the network status for a device is really important to maintaining a fleet. Nordic Semiconductors (makers of the nRF9160) built tools for returning cellular connection info into the […]


Free Zephyr Training is Two Weeks Away (October)

Zephyr is the fastest growing real-time operating system. If you’re not already using it, you should be! Now’s your chance, Golioth’s next training and the next session is just two weeks away. Join our free Zephyr training on October 25th at 9am Pacific time to get yourself up to speed. What Will I Learn? This […]


ZDS: Connecting Zephyr Logging to the Cloud Over Constrained Channels

Marcin Niestrój helped to implement a solution to IoT logging in Zephyr, and that work is the subject of his Connecting Zephyr Logging to the Cloud Over Constrained Channels talk, presented during the 2022 Zephyr Developer’s Summit. Marcin has been working as an embedded engineer for over 10 years, with the last four of them […]