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107 search results for: power


Enabling power regulators automatically at boot in Zephyr

Zephyr has a lot of tricks up its sleeve and most recently I used it to enable power regulators on a custom Golioth board. Perhaps the most interesting part of this is that it can be done entirely with the configuration code, without needing to dive in to any of the C files. And as […]


Measuring Current Consumption with Power Profiler Kit II

IoT devices are usually battery-operated and, more often than not, need to run on a single battery charge for multiple years. Before we know it, MCU power consumption becomes a huge deal when developing a product. Measuring power consumption of an MCU can be challenging since it does not depend on just one thing. It […]


DC Power Monitor: A Golioth Reference Design

How full is your battery? How much current is your USB device drawing? What is your energy usage of your bank of devices? Gaining granular feedback on your electricity usage is a valuable tool. We have previously discussed this as part of our AC Power Monitor. We took that concept and extended it for DC […]


Taking Your Hardware To Production with Zephyr

Manufacturing is marathon, not a sprint. Chris Gammell walks through five phases of IoT device production, discussing what’s involved in each step and how Zephyr RTOS can help during his talk from the 2024 Embedded Open Source Summit.


How to use the RAK5010 cellular dev board with Zephyr

The RAK5010 is a cellular board based on Quectel’s BG95 modem (Qualcomm chipset). A Nordic nRF52840 microcontroller “runs the show”, connecting to the modem via UART. This is a nice combination for a number of applications like remote sensing, application tracking, and Bluetooth <> Cellular gateway. Let’s walk through the process of developing for this board in the Zephyr RTOS.