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ESP32 + ESP-AT Enables Connectivity On Any Zephyr Project

The ESP32 can be used as an AT modem. This approach makes it really easy to add an internet connection to devices that normally don't have one, like the Nordic nRF52840DK.

How to Connect Live Golioth IoT Data to Grafana Cloud using WebSockets

The Golioth WebSocket plugin is now available in the Grafana Cloud. This post guides you through how to add the plugin to Grafana, how to connect the Golioth WebSocket API, and how to set up a dashboard to visualize realtime the data.
Golioth connected to GCP PubSub

Golioth Output Streams now send events to Google Pub/Sub

Golioth continues to add to Output Stream options so that users of our Device Infrastructure Platform can send rich event data to Google Cloud's Pub/Sub service.
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Pin mapping in Zephyr lets you move pin functions with ease

Reassigning pins in your Zephyr project is key to keeping your code portable. This guide demonstrates how to use devicetree overlay files to move peripherals like SPI or i2c to different pins, and how to make sure your new assignments don't collide with the existing configuration.

Improving Zephyr Project Structure with Manifest Files

Zephyr (west) manifest files allow the user to specify where and when dependencies are included into a project. Doing so allows cleaner project repositories and more precise control over when and how a project will be updated down the line.
RTT console outputPublic domain image source:

Use RTT with Zephyr when console output via UART just isn’t convenient

Sometimes you don't have extra pins for TX/RX, the UART is already in use, or you don't want to upset critical timing by printing out messages. Real Time Transfer (RTT) is perfect in these situations. It uses the J-Link programmer to transfer console debugging output, without getting a UART involved at all. Good news, it's easy to use with Zephyr!

Update Firmware (DFU) over cellular (OTA) on the nRF9160 with Golioth

Firmware updates over cellular are a challenging task for embedded devices. In this blog and video, we show how Golioth, Zephyr, MCUboot, and the Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160 make it possible for hardware designs to receive secure and stable firmware releases.
Remote Zephyr DevelopmentPublic domain

Remote Zephyr development using Segger tunnel and a Raspberry Pi

Your target hardware can be in a different part of the world while you develop your Zephyr app. Segger tunnel mode on the J-Link programmer means it doesn't matter if your hardware is on the desk in front of you, or back at the office.

What are Golioth Output Streams?

Golioth Output Streams allow you to pipe every event happening on the Golioth backend out to the cloud of your choice. Exporting large volumes of data into external cloud platforms is now as easy as flipping a switch.

How to parse JSON data in Zephyr

Parsing JSON packets with strings and punctuation delimiters doesn't sound like much fun on a microcontroller. That's why it's really nice that Zephyr has a built-in JSON library. In this post and video we show you how to use it on your data from the cloud.