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Taking the next step: Debugging with SEGGER Ozone and SystemView on Zephyr

Golioth showcases how to use SEGGER J-Link, Ozone, and SystemView to optimize your Zephyr programs and dig deeper into Real Time Operating Systems.

Zephyr does Ethernet Too!

Ethernet support is built in to Zephyr with several different chipsets to choose from. Here's how to add a W5500 Ethernet chip to your project and configure the Zephyr drivers to use it.

Demo Culture at Golioth

When most or all of your company works remotely, you need to build your company differently. At Golioth, we have embraced a Demo culture to promote those chance encounters that help teams do amazing things. This article takes a look at how we share our work internally through all stages of development to involve everyone in knowing what's in progress, and to be open to sharing good ideas and creative feedback along the way.
two new ways to set Golioth device credentials

New Feature: Updating Zephyr settings from the device shell and more!

Now you can set your Golioth credentials from the Zephyr device shell. You also have the option to pull them from the Golioth cloud and automatically send them to the device from a single command on the command line. These new features use the Zephyr settings subsystem where they are stored in flash memory so that they persist after rebooting.
Preparing the Golioth Zephyr SDK for the futureRoyalty free structured beams image source:

Golioth Zephyr SDK gets a name change and looks to the future

Golioth has migrated the Zephyr SDK to a new URL and we are announcing the changes to our audience so that developers are prepared for the change.
How to use Ubidots data visualization

New Feature: Visualizing IoT Data Using Ubidots

Golioth is excited to announce our newest output streams integration with Ubidots. Thanks to this partnership, Ubidots data visualization dashboards are now easy to set up using a pre-configured plugin to access your Golioth device data. Here's how it all works.

An Introduction to The Five Clouds of IoT

This article is an introduction to the concept of "The Five Clouds of IoT", a mental model for different service offerings from companies in the IoT solution space.

How to use Node-RED to control IoT Devices on Golioth

Node-RED makes it easy to connect to Golioth using WebSockets and our REST API. With those in place, you can monitor live data from your devices, and control them via updates to LightDB state data.
Custom Kconfig symbols

Add Custom Kconfig Symbols in Zephyr

I needed to build 15 sets of the same firmware, but pass three unique variables for each copy. Zephyr has a solution for this: the Kconfig system. You can declare your own custom symbol, then set the value by passing a command line argument at compile time. Here's how to do this with your own projects.
How to connect to Golioth with the ESP-IDF

How to Manually Connect to Golioth with the ESP-IDF

Golioth communicates with IoT devices using the CoAP protocol. While our official SDK is built on Zephyr, any platform with CoAP and pre-shared key authentication can be used on the Golioth platform. Here's how to set up the ESP-IDF to work with Golioth.