Tag: zephyr

Creating a portable Ozone project file

Learn how to create a portable Ozone project file that you can check into a git repository for future debugging of Zephyr applications.

Demos we’ll have at Embedded World 2024

We are returning to Embedded World in 2024 (EW24) and will be showing off new Golioth features, as well as end-to-end IoT demos (Reference Designs) at the Zephyr booth and with partners around the fair.

Golioth Firmware SDK v0.11.0 is now available!

Golioth's Firmware SDK (v0.11.0) pulls in recent versions of different ecosystems, allowing developers to target a wide range of custom hardware.

Storing Golioth credentials on the nRF9160 using TLS Tags

Nordic's nRF9160 cellular modem includes a great peripheral called the Key Management Unit (KMU). This secure key...

Zephyr Training is now Anytime, Anywhere thanks to Codespaces

For more than a year, Golioth has been hosting free Zephyr training. We're going to keep doing...

Power Optimization Recommendations using Zephyr

In this post, we look at the absolute minimum current drawn by the nRF9160 SOC when peripherals and modems are turned off, using the Power Profiler Kit 2 (PPK2) to measure the current consumption.

Free Zephyr Training is Two Weeks Away (October)

Zephyr is the fastest growing real-time operating system. If you're not already using it, you should be!...

Displaying Firmware Version and Battery State with Zephyr

We recently open-sourced the Golioth Reference Design Template that we have been using internally as the starting point...

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