Tag Archive for: Firmware

There is no substitute for testing firmware on real target hardware, but manual testing is both error prone and time consuming. Today, I’ll walk you through the process of using pytest to automate your hardware testing. There are three main building blocks to this approach

1. Compile the firmware you want to test

2. Use a pytest fixture to program the firmware onto the device and monitor the output

3. Run the tests to verify the device output

Pytest is a framework for — you guessed it — testing! When working with embedded hardware you need to spend some time setting up fixtures that connect it to pytest. Once that’s in place, you’ll be surprised at how fast you can write tests for your firmware projects. Let’s dive in.

This approach works for any firmware platform

In today’s example, the only platform-specific portion is a program() function that needs to know the commands used to flash firmware on your device. But this is easy to adapt for any platform. At Golioth we take advantage of this since the Golioth Firmware SDK tests hardware on two different RTOSes, using silicon from a handful of different vendors.

For this post I’m targeting a Nordic nRF52840 using Zephyr. However, it depends purely on pytest and is not using Twister (Zephyr’s dedicated test running application). We do use Twister on our Zephyr sample testing, but those are only a portion of our hardware-in-the-loop tests. We’ll publish a separate post detailing that process in the future.

Today’s demo involves adding a subfolder to your firmware project named pytest, and creating two file inside:

  • pytest/conftest.py
  • pytest/test_hello_world.py

A code walk-through follows, with the full source available as a gist.

Step 1: Compile your firmware

We’ll be testing firmware by monitoring output from a serial connection. Let’s start with a “Hello World” application. The hello_world sample in the Zephyr tree simply prints out “Hello World! <name of your board>” which is perfect for this demonstration.

west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 . -p

The above build command generates a binary at build/zephyr/zephyr.hex. We do not need to flash it to the device, we’ll use a pytest function for this.

Step 2: Write a pytest fixture for this board

In this section we’ll populate a conftest.py file that can be reused by multiple tests.

Install dependencies

Make sure you have Python installed and then use pip to install the libraries needed for this project. We’ll be using the AnyIO and Trio libraries for asynchronous support, and Python will need access to the serial port. We also want a Python library for programming the target chip:

pip install pytest anyio trio pyserial

# This one is used to program Nordic devices
pip install pynrfjprog

Now add the necessary imports to the top of your conftest.py file:

import pytest
import re
import serial
from time import time

# Used to flash binary to nrf52840dk
from pynrfjprog import LowLevel

import pytest
import re
import serial
from time import time

# Used to flash binary to nrf52840dk
from pynrfjprog import LowLevel

def anyio_backend():
    return 'trio'

The final block is a special pytest fixture that tells AnyIO to use the Trio backend.

Setting up command line arguments

While not strictly necessary for a one-off test, adding command line arguments makes your test easier to run using continuous integration (CI) tools like GitHub Actions.

def pytest_addoption(parser):
            help="The port to which the device is attached (eg: /dev/ttyACM0)")
    parser.addoption("--baud", type=int, default=115200,
            help="Serial port baud rate (default: 115200)")
    parser.addoption("--fw-image", type=str,
            help="Firmware binary to program to device")
    parser.addoption("--serial-number", type=str,
            help="Serial number to identify on-board debugger")

def port(request):
    return request.config.getoption("--port")

def baud(request):
    return request.config.getoption("--baud")

def fw_image(request):
    return request.config.getoption("--fw-image")

def serial_number(request):
    return request.config.getoption("--serial-number")

Above we’ve used a special pytest_addoption() function to add command line flags for port, baud, firmware filename, and programmer serial number. A fixture is added to return each of these so they are available to other fixtures (and in the tests themselves).

Create a class for your board

We want to create a class to represent the device under test. Golioth has an entire directory full of board class definitions for different vendors which we use in our automated testing. For this example we really just need a way to program the board and monitor its serial output.

class Board():
    def __init__(self, port, baud, fw_image, serial_number):
        self.port = port
        self.baud = baud
        self.fw_image = fw_image
        self.serial_number = serial_number

        #program firmware

        self.serial_device = serial.Serial(port, self.baud, timeout=1, write_timeout=1)

    def program(self, fw_image):
        with LowLevel.API() as api:

    def wait_for_regex_in_line(self, regex, timeout_s=20, log=True):
        start_time = time()
        while True:
            line = self.serial_device.read_until().decode('utf-8', errors='replace').replace("\r\n", "")
            if line != "" and log:
            if time() - start_time > timeout_s:
                raise RuntimeError('Timeout')
            regex_search = re.search(regex, line)
            if regex_search:
                return regex_search

The Board class implements a program() function specific to flashing firmware onto this device. You will want to replace this function for your own target hardware. Note that when this is instantiated, the init() function will call the program() function, flashing the firmware onto the board at the start of the test suite.

The Board class also implements a wait_for_regex_in_line() function that is a fancy way to match lines printed in the serial terminal. This should be transferable to any board that prints to serial (in our case, via a USB connection). This function includes a timeout feature, which means your test will not wait forever when a device is misbehaving.

def board(port, baud, fw_image, serial_number):
    return Board(port, baud, fw_image, serial_number)

The final piece of the puzzle is a fixture that makes the Board available to your test. The session scope ensures that your board will only be instantiated once per test-run.

Step 3: Write your tests

The hard work is behind us, this step is simple by comparison. Create a file prefixed with the word “test” to host your tests. We’ll call this test_hello_world.py.

import pytest

pytestmark = pytest.mark.anyio

async def test_hello(board):
    board.wait_for_regex_in_line("Hello World");

We begin by importing pytest, then using the special pytestmark directive to indicate we want to use AnyIO for asynchronous functions. Each function that is declared with the test_ prefix in the function name will be automatically run by pytest and individually reported with a pass/fail.

Notice in this case that we are using a regex to match “Hello World” even though the full message received will be “Hello World! nrf52840dk_nrf52840”.

Running the test

Let’s run this test, remembering to supply the necessary arguments for the board programming and serial output to work:

➜ pytest pytest/test_hello_world.py --port /dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115200 --fw-image build/zephyr/zephyr.hex --serial-number 1050266122

Pytest includes colorful output with a summary of the tests:

Black terminal screen showing the green success messages from a pytest run.

You don’t get a lot of output for a successful test. But if you change the matched test to something that is not expected, we should get a timeout error. You can see that warnings and errors cause more information to be printed. Note the angle bracket that indicates the assert that caused the failure. The error message is printed further down in red, followed by the actual output received from the board:

Black terminal screen shows an error output several lines long indicating a timeout occurred during a test.

While this example includes just a single test that watches for output, you can grow this to many tests that interact with the board. For instance, the Golioth RPC service tests implement about a dozen tests that prompt the target board to react by sending remote procedure calls from the Golioth cloud via our REST API, verifying the output from each.

Automating the tests

We have already automated this hello_world test. But we’re still running it manually on the command line. You can use GitHub self-hosted runners to connect your own devices to GitHub Actions for true automation.

Golioth has built extensive hardware-in-the-loop automation that does just this. You can check out our workflows to get a better picture of how this works. The step that calls pytest should include syntax you recognize, pointing to the test file and passing the configuration in as command line arguments:

- name: Run test
  shell: bash
    hil_board: ${{ inputs.hil_board }}
  run: |
    source /opt/credentials/runner_env.sh
    for test in `ls tests/hil/tests`
      pytest --rootdir . tests/hil/tests/$test                            \
        --board ${hil_board}                                              \
        --port ${!PORT_VAR}                                               \
        --fw-image ${test}-${{ inputs.binary_name }}                      \
        --serial-number ${!SNR_VAR}                                       \
        --api-url ${{ inputs.api-url }}                                   \
        --api-key ${{ secrets[inputs.api-key-id] }}                       \
        --wifi-ssid ${{ secrets[format('{0}_WIFI_SSID', runner.name)] }}  \
        --wifi-psk ${{ secrets[format('{0}_WIFI_PSK', runner.name)] }}    \
        --mask-secrets                                                    \


How the Golioth Developer Training paved the way

This is a guest post from Shrouk El-Attar, discussing her journey from the hardware space into the firmware space and how Golioth training has helped her understand building out IoT systems using Zephyr.

The Journey Started with Hardware

To me, hardware just makes sense! You have specific requirements, find a part that can fulfill them, read its datasheet, and then execute. Voila! Successful design achieved.

The worst thing about the process? I don’t know…maybe the Googling? Getting a calculation out by a factor of ten? The tedious BOM stock checking process? These things can be long and tiring, but still, the concepts make sense. Designing a PCB is easy to understand; you follow simple rules and let the copper tracks do the rest. Even things in the “RF Voodoo” territory make sense with well-developed RF design tools these days.

Not too long ago, I finally took the leap into the world of consulting as a self-proclaimed “Hardware Queen”. With that, I saw the terrifying rise in demand for the 2-in-1 engineering consultants: a hardware engineer who is also a firmware engineer.

The Firmware Roadblock

Firmware feels to me like hardware’s anarchist sister. I know her a little; we have some history. It might surprise you to know that she hasn’t always been this way with me.

Once upon a time, there was Arduino (I know, I know). I probably picked up my first Arduino in 2012. I’d heard about them long before then, but as an asylum seeker, I couldn’t afford to own one. That is until the UK officially recognised me as a refugee, and I could finally access higher education and buy my own shiny Arduino.

The first time I got to Blinky on my Arduino, it was like something clicked. I understood it. I understood every single bit of code I was writing on it. “I have a gift,” I thought. Perhaps learning Visual Basic (yup) back in 2007 laid down those basics for me to get to Blinky on Arduino and be a total boss at it.

From then on, I felt invincible. Whatever I could think of, I was able to make it. Self-watering plant? Check. NFC easter egg hunt? Check. Twitter-powered bubble machine? Check. Arduino felt like hardware and software meeting in perfect harmony in a world where anything I could think of was possible.

Shrouk’s Arduino Connected Plant: Light data is sent to cloud platform (left), phone notifications are sent when light data is critical (middle), plant “tweets” when light data reaches below a certain level (right).

My initial success was a sign I was going to be a firmware engineer. But soon after, my firmware dreams were shattered.

Stuck in the Firmware Valley

My first full-time engineering role was at Intel back in 2015, where I specialized in the then-brand-new field called IoT. “Can you imagine that by 2020 there will be 50 billion connected devices?” I thought to myself. I was so excited that I would be one of the people developing those devices. It was the future.

One of the first things I couldn’t wait to get my hands on was the all-shiny Intel Realsense 3D Camera. But when I downloaded my SDK, I didn’t know where to start. After days of struggling on my own, I could get some things working with the help of my senior colleagues. But none of it clicked. I had no idea what I was doing. I was not gifted. Frankly, I sucked at firmware.

I started specializing in hardware. As the years passed, some of my all-time favorite chips became the nRF5 MCUs by Nordic Semiconductor. What a hardware engineer’s dream. Can’t get to a specific pin during routing? Don’t worry; choose literally any other pin you can reach more easily, and re-route there! The nRF5 had an excellent reputation amongst my firmware colleagues too.

In 2019, I decided to give firmware another go on my favorite chip. I wasn’t too far down the toolchain setup, and I’d already started regretting it. What the heck were Make files?! It was an excruciating process. But–no exaggeration–one week later, I’d managed to set up the toolchain. Great, let’s get to Blinky! Save, build, flash. Error.

I spent hours, then finally figure out the error. Save, build, flash—another error. Repeat a zillion times. It turns out I had never set up the toolchain correctly in the first place. Months later, I finally found a training that would work, or so I thought. This turned out to be my biggest disappointment. Nothing in the training was up to date. Nothing worked the way it was supposed to. This was indeed the final time I’d try to touch firmware again. I was stuck. I was done.

The Golioth Way

Back in present day, as I was realizing the demand for the 2-in-1 hardware and firmware engineering consultant, a well timed post from Chris Gammell appeared on my feed. The post was about the Golioth Developer Training, targeted explicitly at hardware engineers. The 2-in-1 engineer could be me. Was I going to try firmware again? Absolutely.

The training took place entirely remotely with hardware engineers from all over the world. This is going to be it, for sure! But, from the very beginning, I was already struggling. “Here we go again”, I thought. I shouldn’t have thought I could do it. I struggled with minor details at first, like appending -d instead of -D to a build command, which apparently gives wildly different results. I copied and pasted the correct information but in the wrong fields. And each exercise took me way longer than the “estimated time” suggested for each section.

The training happened in a large group, but we did the exercises independently. Chris and Mike were checking in on each of us throughout, so they were able to help me fix anything I missed very quickly on a one-to-one basis. As the training went on, I started to notice that I needed their help less and less. What is this I feel? Some cautious optimism, perhaps?

The training method was active. I wasn’t sitting at my desk blindly following instructions. No, I was pushed to figure out the correct way to solve a problem at every stage. It was presented in bite-size information with many collapsed sections. The training also included links referencing concepts, e.g. Zephyr Pin Control, throughout, should I want to learn more. For the most part, I didn’t click those because I wanted to stay on track. My head was already full of too much firmware to learn. But I enjoyed that they were there so I could refer back to them in the future.

Then the happiest of accidents happened. I picked up a later stage of the training on my own, then realized that I had to redo the earlier parts to get to where I wanted to pick up from. Not going to lie; I was slightly annoyed. But while re-doing them, I saw that it wasn’t taking me very long at all. This time, I was well within the time estimates suggested for each exercise, if not much quicker. Was this working for me? Did I finally find a method to learn commercially viable firmware that works?

A light bulb went off when I realized that it took me over a week to get to Blinky on my previous firmware training, but within a couple of hours, I was already speaking to my Wi-Fi device through the Golioth Console. Not only that, but it was all through the Zephyr RTOS with Golioth. The same Zephyr RTOS I struggled endlessly with on the nRF5 hardware that I love. It was a miracle to think about being enabled for firmware on my favorite hardware platform. Coupled with the fact that Golioth is entirely scalable, i.e. the idea that I can start from an idea to production on the same platform, made Golioth a dream.

Golioth also helped me develop a community, some of whom I became close Discord friends with. We all need a Discord buddy to complain to about daily life as an electronics engineering consultant (Hi Seth!). And a decade after I picked up my first Arduino, Golioth Developer Training helped me finally break through that commercially viable firmware ceiling.

Next, I’ll work on reference designs and put the skills I learnt from the training to the test. Watch this space.

Editor note: If you’re interested in taking part as an individual or as a company, sign up for future training here.

The line between the hardware and software worlds continues to blur. One advantage is the range of software tools that are coming into the hardware and firmware space, such as “Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment” (CI/CD). This ensures each commit of code to a repository is immediate run against a slate of tests, compiled using a standardized compiler, and deployed to eligible devices for testing. What if your IoT firmware deployments happened automatically just by typing git push?

In this post and the associated video, Lead Engineer Alvaro Viebrantz talks about a sample project that compiles and delivers firmware to eligible devices automatically using GitHub Actions. Follow along in our repository on the Golioth Labs page.

Note: The arduino-sdk repository showcased in this post is deprecated. GoliothLabs has two experimental repositories that may work as replacements:

Compiling in the cloud?

Most embedded engineers hear “cloud compilation” and start shaking their head no. Having an IDE or a local toolchain is the expectation for fast iteration and direct debugging of code using tried and true methods. But being “local only” also runs into dependencies that might be on your machine versus your co-worker’s machine. What’s worse, you might be lulled into a false sense of security and never venture past having a single machine that is capable of compiling critical device firmware. (Don’t believe me? Ask a long time firmware engineer about the steps they had to go through to keep that old computer running to compile code for the legacy project.)

Moving your final (production) builds to the cloud is beneficial because it removes localized dependencies. Distributed teams are increasingly common. Now when an engineer in Brazil, the US, Poland–or any other place your teammates might be–commit code to a repo, it receives the same treatment. If you have GitHub actions (or equivalent hooks) set up on your repository, it kicks off a compilation on a container on the cloud. The output firmware is then uploaded to Golioth. As we see in the video, it’s still possible to build on a local machine, but the standardization is very helpful as you move towards scaling your product and making production grade firmware.

Walking through the demo

Let’s recap the steps taking place in the video and discuss what is relevant about each step.

  • Build firmware locally
    • This showcases that while the toolchain is available on the cloud, it’s not only on the cloud. Developers can still create a local image for testing.
  • Load initial firmware to the device
    • Since the firmware is responsible for reacting to new firmware on the Golioth Cloud, we need to load an initial image to start checking whether an update is available. As Alvaro mentions, the firmware recognizes that the same version loaded on the device initially is also the latest on the cloud, so no action is taken.
  • Creating device credentials using the hardware ID
    • Golioth allows you to set a range of different IDs to help identify devices in the field. This is especially important as your fleet grows. As part of the provisioning process, Alvaro shows how the code on the firmware image can also extract a unique identifier that is programmed into the silicon at the factory, so it is possible to always verify which device is being identified, all the way down to the silicon.
  • Generate device credentials on Golioth
  • Set WiFi/Golioth credentials over the Console
    • Setting device credentials allows the Golioth Cloud to validate a device is able to talk to the network. Alvaro demonstrates using a serial connection with the device to add these credentials, a recent improvement that will enhance device programming in the factory or as users provision a new device.
  • Device connects and begins to send logs and LightDB State data
  • Make a small change and commit to the repo. Push a git tag.
    • Pushing the change to the repository and adding a tag is what alerts the GitHub actions logic to start compiling a new firmware image.
  • The firmware is built in the cloud as part of GitHub actions.
    • For this build, Alvaro is using our Arduino SDK along with PlatformIO. This is in a container that the GitHub action boots up and uses to standardize the firmware build.
  • The artifact is pushed to the Golioth cloud
    • As part of the setup process, the user will need to generate an API key to place on GitHub in order to allow GitHub to push the new firmware issue as an Artifact on Golioth.
  • Create a release using the Console and roll out the firmware to the eligible device.
    • This is a manual process in the video, but a user could also utilize the REST API in order to create a Release and set the release to be eligible for rollout to a set of devices that are tagged on Golioth (different than GitHub tags). Remember: Any action possible on the Console can be scripted using the REST API.

Extending the demo

One theme that is obvious throughout this video is the focus on moving your product to production. Programming devices as they come off the line is no small task and something we will continue to make content about here at Golioth. And future videos will describe methods for running real-world tests on hardware, something we are interested in given our support of hundreds of boards.

In the current demo, Alvaro shows loading credentials over serial. Past examples have also shown Bluetooth credentialing using MCUmgr. We’d love to hear more about how you’re creating your devices and how you want to program things as you move towards production. Please join us on our Discord or on our Forums to discuss more.

Looking for direct help getting your devices into production? Reach out at

“I’m sorry boss, I am working as fast as I can here. I reprogrammed about 36 out of the total 50 units, but this is slow going. I only have one programming cable and I need to disassemble the deployed units so I can get to the header on the boards first.”

A bad firmware image on your deployed IoT devices can mean ruined weekends, upset customers, and lost time. Many businesses pursue a network based firmware update so that they can push new versions to their devices. In fact, this is a critical part of the firmware development process, often a very early one. Developing or implementing a bootloader allows engineers to ship new control software to their devices. A straw poll on Twitter showed that some engineers spend a significant amount of time putting this tooling in place.

While the “barely any time” group seems large, it also includes those who aren’t doing a custom bootloader, nor a bootloader that is networked:

In the past, networked firmware updates took a significant amount of planning and coordination between hardware, firmware, software, and web teams. Golioth has collapsed this down to a simple process.

Update all the devices in your fleet with the click of a button

Golioth Device Firmware Update (DFU) is possible because the Golioth SDK is built on top of the Zephyr Project. Part of that implementation includes MCUboot, an open source bootloader. Using open source software up and down the stack, Golioth enables quick, secure deployment of firmware packages to IoT devices throughout the world. The Golioth Console enables easy management of firmware releases, including multi-part binary bundles, enabling updates for devices as diverse as smart speakers, digital signage, machine learning enabled sensor systems, multiple processor embedded devices, and more.

In the video linked below, Lead Engineer Alvaro Viebrantz demonstrates with Chris Gammell how to update the firmware of an nRF52 based device over Ethernet. The video includes code snippets in Zephyr and walking through the build process using the command line tool West. Once the firmware image is built, Alvaro showcases how to push the image to the Golioth cloud, package it for delivery, and then deploying to Golioth enabled devices.

No more fussing with programming cables out in the field, Golioth allows engineers to update their devices with new features, requested fixes, and efficiency improvements. Try it out today!

About Golioth

Golioth is a cloud company dedicated to making it easier to prototype, deploy, and manage IoT systems. Learn more by joining the Golioth Beta program and reading through Golioth Documentation.