Tag: Aludel

Built on Golioth: The Aludel Lute Relay Smart Locker

The Aludel Lute Relay is the latest entry for the Golioth Solutions Marketplace. This can be used in a smart locker, to switch AC power, or to connect other items electrically using relays.

Managing board revisions in Zephyr

Both Zephyr and Golioth have solutions for keeping track of multiple revisions of your hardware. Let's walk through how to tell Zephyr there is both a "Rev A" and "Rev B" of your hardware. We'll finish up by talking about how Golioth organizes OTA firmware updates for your different board revisions.

We Added Cellular to the Hackaday Superconference Badge

Golioth attended the Hackaday Superconference in 2023 and created a "badge hack" to send images from a tiny embedded device up over a cellular network and display on badgecase.io.

ZDS: What Chip Shortage? How We Use Zephyr for Truly Modular Hardware

Learn how Zephyr RTOS and Golioth's modular hardware platform (Aludel) combine to reduce dependence on any one specific chip vendor.

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