

Add Custom Kconfig Symbols in Zephyr

I needed to build 15 sets of the same firmware, but pass three unique variables for each copy. Zephyr has a solution for this: the Kconfig system. You can declare your own custom symbol, then set the value by passing a command line argument at compile time. Here's how to do this with your own projects.

Getting Started with the ESP32, Golioth, and Zephyr

The ESP32 is a great way to get up and running quickly on Golioth. This article, and the accompanying video, walks through the process of provisioning an ESP32, installing the Zephyr RTOS toolchain, then loading and running your firmware.

Thread network device management using Golioth

Watch Golioth showcase a Zephyr-based device running OpenThread and the Golioth SDK connecting to the internet via a Border Router. Golioth manages the connection and handles data going to and from the nRF52840 based node.

Golioth will be at the Zephyr Developer Summit

The Zephyr Developer Summit (ZDS) is coming up June 7th-9th 2022 in Mountain View California at the...

Adding an Out-of-Tree sensor driver to Zephyr

Sensor drivers sometimes need to live outside of the Zephyr tree, for privacy or maintenance reasons. This post shows how to operate a sensor driver "Out-Of-Tree", and in the process, showcases how sensor drivers work.

ESP32 + ESP-AT Enables Connectivity On Any Zephyr Project

The ESP32 can be used as an AT modem. This approach makes it really easy to add an internet connection to devices that normally don't have one, like the Nordic nRF52840DK.

Pin mapping in Zephyr lets you move pin functions with ease

Reassigning pins in your Zephyr project is key to keeping your code portable. This guide demonstrates how to use devicetree overlay files to move peripherals like SPI or i2c to different pins, and how to make sure your new assignments don't collide with the existing configuration.

Improving Zephyr Project Structure with Manifest Files

Zephyr (west) manifest files allow the user to specify where and when dependencies are included into a project. Doing so allows cleaner project repositories and more precise control over when and how a project will be updated down the line.

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