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An Introduction to The Five Clouds of IoT

This article is an introduction to the concept of "The Five Clouds of IoT", a mental model for different service offerings from companies in the IoT solution space.

How to use Node-RED to control IoT Devices on Golioth

Node-RED makes it easy to connect to Golioth using WebSockets and our REST API. With those in place, you can monitor live data from your devices, and control them via updates to LightDB state data.
Custom Kconfig symbols

Add Custom Kconfig Symbols in Zephyr

I needed to build 15 sets of the same firmware, but pass three unique variables for each copy. Zephyr has a solution for this: the Kconfig system. You can declare your own custom symbol, then set the value by passing a command line argument at compile time. Here's how to do this with your own projects.
How to connect to Golioth with the ESP-IDF

How to Manually Connect to Golioth with the ESP-IDF

Golioth communicates with IoT devices using the CoAP protocol. While our official SDK is built on Zephyr, any platform with CoAP and pre-shared key authentication can be used on the Golioth platform. Here's how to set up the ESP-IDF to work with Golioth.

Getting Started with the ESP32, Golioth, and Zephyr

The ESP32 is a great way to get up and running quickly on Golioth. This article, and the accompanying video, walks through the process of provisioning an ESP32, installing the Zephyr RTOS toolchain, then loading and running your firmware.

Program your microcontrollers from WSL2 with USB support

Microsoft has finally added USB support to WSL and I’ve been testing this long-awaited feature as part of my Windows development workflow. Today I will walk you through the basic steps of programming an embedded device over USB using WSL.

Better IoT design patterns: Desired state vs. actual state

With a bit of planning, you can make sure that your IoT devices stay in sync with the cloud and behave in a predictable way for your users. The concept uses a "desired state" that is watched by the device for changes from the cloud. The device then reports back its actual state as a separate collection of data.

Using GitHub Actions and Golioth to Automatically Deploy IoT Firmware

What if your IoT firmware deployments happened automatically just by typing 'git push'? Lead Engineer Alvaro Viebrantz talks about a sample project that compiles and delivers firmware to eligible devices automatically using Golioth and GitHub Actions.

Thread network device management using Golioth

Watch Golioth showcase a Zephyr-based device running OpenThread and the Golioth SDK connecting to the internet via a Border Router. Golioth manages the connection and handles data going to and from the nRF52840 based node.
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Golioth will be at the Zephyr Developer Summit

The Zephyr Developer Summit (ZDS) is coming up June 7th-9th 2022 in Mountain View California at the Computer History Museum. Golioth will be there and we're very excited to interact with fellow users, developers, and stakeholders in the open…