Meet with Golioth at Embedded World 2023

We had a great time last year at Embedded World 2022, showcasing the Golioth Color demos (red, green, blue, orange). This year we are returning to Embedded World on March 14th-16th 2023 and we’d love to discuss what you’re building and show you some of the things we’ll be working on. We’ll be at the Zephyr Booth once again (Hall 4, Booth #4-170), showcasing all of the demos of Golioth that we have built using our Golioth Zephyr SDK.

Reference Designs

This post will not be showcasing all of the things we have in the pipe for Embedded World, but it’s a safe bet that you will be able to check out our existing Reference Designs. We have been building vertical-specific solutions to make it easier to understand how Golioth helps companies build out their tech stack.

The IoT Trashcan Monitor shows how easy it can be to pull sensor data back to the cloud for processing and visualization. We not only register the level of the trash, but also record environmental data that would be of interest to a national park deploying these devices. This kind of data saves on trips out to the field to check the status of a trash can (Is it full? Was it tipped over? Did someone pour hazardous waste into it?. We visualize the status of the can using individual glyphs and can monitor across a fleet of devices using a “fleet view”.

The IoT Greenhouse Controller adds independent actions to the mix. The controller can automatically take action based on sensor thresholds you set using the Golioth Settings Service, or your user application (web or phone app, etc.) can use manual control turn on the ventilation or grow lights you install with your system. The applications are boundless, but we still think it’s important to showcase an end-to-end solution to highlight the quick time-to-market that Golioth enables.

We want to meet!

We want to hear from you and set up a time to discuss Golioth and how we might work together. Fill out the form below or email [email protected] to schedule a time to meet.

(once form is completed, you will need to scroll back up to see the confirmation message)

Chris Gammell
Chris Gammell
Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

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