

Manufacturing A Mini-fleet: Provisioning And Updating 10 Thingy91’s

Golioth demonstrates one approach to provisioning IoT devices during manufacturing. Learn some of the challenges you will face with flashing test firmware, generating and passing x.509 certificates to the devices, and using OTA to load final production firmware.

Adding Golioth Example Code to Your ESP-IDF Project

In our previous blog post, we demonstrated how to add the Golioth Firmware SDK to an ESP-IDF...

How to add Golioth to any ESP-IDF project

Adding Golioth device management to your existing ESP-IDF project is easy. In this post we show how to add Golioth as a submodule and configure the ESP-IDF build to enable the API calls. This brings OTA firmware updates, data management, and device control to any ESP32 IoT device.

Golioth is headed to the Hackaday Superconference this weekend!

Golioth will be training and showcasing hardware enthusiasts at the 2022 Hackaday Superconference. See what we have in store.

Golioth is included in Infineon’s ModusToolbox™!

Golioth is now a built into PSoC™ 6 software. You can include Golioth device management features with your Infineon-based Wi-Fi IoT devices.

Create custom UI for your IoT devices; Golioth was built for this!

Have you tried to use the Golioth Web Console yet? The interface delivers access and control for...

Embedded Rust with Golioth and the Nordic nRF9160

Team members Lachlan and Chris discuss an implementation of a Rust code sample with Golioth and the...

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