Built on Golioth: The Aludel Lute Relay Smart Locker

When building IoT applications for a simple application space, it pays to build on top of already working systems. That’s the case for the hardware we’re showing today, the Aludel Lute Relay.

This design started as an experiment for a new form factor to plug into our Aludel Elixir Board. The unit has 4 relays capable of switching 20 amps AC or DC. This unit could be useful in remote physical access (i.e. locks), lighting control, or the application that inspired this design: smart lockers. Let’s dive into how this is built and how someone could use this latest Golioth Solutions Marketplace design to build a business.

New form factor

The Aludel platform generally assumes that you will have a somewhat tall case that can fit two different Mikroelektronika Click Boards into the case and then cover it with our Open Source board called the Aludel Ostentus. The Aludel Elixir is the main processing board and contains an nRF9160 primary processor and cellular modem and an ESP32-C3 secondary modem for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

If I wanted to build custom hardware to work with the Elixir board, I would probably need to make a Click board of my own. But that is somewhat space constrained. Instead, I decided to take the idea of using a PCB as a cover for this form factor (as is the case for the Ostentus) and instead put the customized components on this new ‘front panel’. The result is the Lute form factor, which can be extended beyond the current implementation. Relays are a great proving ground for large industrial-style components that can control large industrial sized machines.


Control Power from Anywhere

This hardware is a great fit for applications where you want to remotely control power. The 4 relays on board and the large 5.08 mm pitch terminal blocks means you can safely pass high currents through the board. The traces on the relay are configured for creepage and clearance required for 240V. The relays being used are marked for 120V, but the datasheet says they are capable of 240V.

This application draws on my own experience building a simple smart locker using Golioth. I built it using an nRF9160-based dev board and then point-to-point wired a bunch of off-the-shelf power controls. It worked great, as the control requirements are low: nothing more than a GPIO is required for output. However, from a manufacturing capability and scaling to a larger fleet of devices, the wiring would have been a horrendous experience. The Lute Relay board codifies the ability to switch power and enables it in a much more compact package. In my case, I was passing 12V through the relays to a set of LED lamps inside the locker and to the solenoid controlling the door latch.

The relays truly are the easy part. The important piece in the system starts from the GPIO (controlling the relays) and goes all the way back to the cloud. The firmware is built on top of Golioth’s Reference Design Template. We trigger the various GPIOs within app_settings.c, which is triggered from the Golioth Settings Service. When we change the relay setting on the console, it gets pushed out from the Golioth service down to the device over CoAP, and then the Golioth Firmware SDK translates the packet and triggers the proper GPIO.

Made for extensibility, not durability

The Lute Form factor, like most of the devices in the Solutions Marketplace, is a starting point, not an off-the-shelf product. We intend for you to take these devices to prove an idea and then modify them for the specifics of your business. You can hire Golioth Solutions Services to help you with that, tap one of our wonderful Design Partners, or take on the task yourself.

What about future Lute boards? Well, the testing of this board has created a great starting point for future designs and applications. If you have one in mind, get in touch via our forum and let us know what you’d like to see us build next.

Watch the Livestream playback

We live streamed the entire creation flow of this board. You can watch it below.

Chris Gammell
Chris Gammell
Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

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