Golioth Talks and Demos at the Embedded Open Source Summit

The Golioth team just returned from the Embedded Open Source Summit after a fantastic week talking about Zephyr, Embedded Linux, and of course, the future of the Internet of Things. We presented talks, we showed off hardware demos at our booth, and we talked to hundreds of awesome engineers.

The Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS) was a collection of different conferences hosted by the Linux Foundation, including the Zephyr Developer’s Summit (ZDS). Our booth  demonstrated the Golioth IoT platform used for automotive applications (CAN + GPS), power monitoring, air quality monitoring, and trash can monitoring; all based on Zephyr RTOS. Golioth makes it easy to connect microcontroller-based devices to the internet, with prebuilt features for data management and fleet control.

ZDS gives us the opportunity to discuss the many use cases we see from our customers with the developers and maintainers of the RTOS that we most often use. Having such direct insight into what’s coming down the road helps Golioth stay on the bleeding edge of what is possible.


The Golioth Zephyr SDK is an open source library build on top Zephyr RTOS. It delivers great cross-platform support and a wonderful network stack, and allows us to support the widest range of customer hardware needs. While we also offer a cross-platorm SDK based on FreeRTOS (which supports Espressif’s ESP-IDF, Infineon’s ModusToolbox™, and Linux), we see the widest interest in Zephyr from our customers.

We don’t just go to the Zephyr Developer’s Summit, Golioth is a silver member of the Zephyr Project. As a member of the Technical Steering Committee, we’re on weekly calls about the future of Zephyr, but nothing compares to spending in-person time with our friends and partners–ZDS is the perfect place to do that.

We presented three talks on our work with Zephyr over the past year, and enjoyed many of the other topics and discussion presented. Update: All videos have now been published on the Zephyr YouTube Channel!

Everyone Needs to Get Connected

Early morning Golioth booth before the EOSS/ZDS crowds arrived

There was a constant flow of interesting people to speak with at the Golioth booth. This year was a special treat, since ZDS was co-located with the Embedded Linux Conference, the Automotive Linux Summit, and three other conferences.

Overwhelmingly it’s apparent that there is a trend of moving IoT devices down the stack, from being Linux-based to being microcontroller based. That’s where Golioth specializes.

Jonathan Beri and Mike Szczys at the Golioth booth during 2023 EOSS/ZDS in PragueWith the silicon technology available today you should be able to connect microcontrollers to the internet, update the firmware remotely, send and received data with the device, and control not just one device but thousands upon thousands. You should be able to do this with a device you choose (and design with your exacting specifications0, not one dictated to you. You should not have to write all of this IoT cloud management code yourself. This is what we stand for, and what people told us they needed in conversation after conversation at this conference.

The development cycle for custom hardware is long, but your device management cloud software is already written. Give Golioth a try, your first 50 devices are free.

A Little Team-Building Goes a Long Way

Golioth team at the 2023 EOSS/ZDS conference dinner

We love conferences because we get to meet you there. But as a fully-remote company, we also get to meet the rest of the Golioth crew in person. Jonathan, Chris, and I were all at Embedded World in March, so it hasn’t been too long for the three of us. But it was quite exciting to meet Marko Puric, who joined us as a Field Application Engineer in May. Keep an eye out for more from Marko here on the blog and elsewhere in the Golioth universe.

Mike Szczys
Mike Szczys
Mike is a Firmware Engineer at Golioth. His deep love of microcontrollers began in the early 2000s, growing from the desire to make more of the BEAM robotics he was building. During his 12 years at Hackaday (eight of them as Editor in Chief), he had a front-row seat for the growth of the industry, and was active in developing a number of custom electronic conference badges. When he's not reading data sheets he's busy as an orchestra musician in Madison, Wisconsin.

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