Find us at Embedded World North America 2024

We love getting out into the real world and meeting Golioth users (and future users!). We’ll be hitting the road once again October 8-10th for the inaugural Embedded World North America! The popular conference, regularly held in Nuremberg in the spring, is rolling into Texas next week for an autumn, US-based version of the conference. Members of our Operations Team and Developer Relations Team will be on-site to discuss Golioth and check out the latest and greatest work from our partner companies.

Low power demo

I (Chris) will be showcasing a demo and helping out at the Joulescope booth, utilizing the JS220 to measure low power on our open source Aludel Elixir board. We’ll show different power modes, enabled over a cellular connection triggered from the Golioth Console. We’re able to turn different things on and off and see how it impacts current draw live. In a true meta capability, we can even see how much power it takes to send the command to use less power!

Joulescope is a favorite of our customers for measuring low power modes with high dynamic range. Stop by booth #1723 in the Austin convention center to see the Joulescope and the Golioth demos live.

The Joulescope JS220 that will be featured in the Golioth demo

Other events

As with any conference, there are night time events we like to take part in as well. We’d love to see you at some of these gatherings!

  • IoT Stars – This is a popular after-hours event at Embedded World DE, as well as at Mobile World Congress. Laurens and Marc put together a technical program and have a networking/social hour.
  • Zephyr meetup at NXP – I (Chris) will be speaking at this meetup about abstraction at the module layer of a design and how we have been creating the Drachm (“dram”) module on hardware livestreams.

See you there!

Just like any in-person event, we love the opportunity to catch up with partners, clients, and new contacts. If you have a project you need help with, we’re happy to discuss how Golioth Solutions can help you get off the ground, or how you can take Golioth for a spin for your next IoT project. Please get in touch if you’d like to meet during the conference.

Chris Gammell
Chris Gammell
Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

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