

How to Write a Zephyr Device Driver with a Custom API

Learn the ins and outs of the Zephyr driver subsystem and learn how to write your own custom driver APIs the Zephyr way!

WebAssembly on Zephyr

WebAssembly runs on microcontrollers, but why would you want to do that? Dan Mangum shows us how to use Wasm with Zephyr RTOS, why you would want to, and he even discuss how to decide if the tradeoffs fit your needs.

OpenThread Demo: From Cellular to Thread with Zephyr

The Golioth catalog of Reference Designs now run on Thread Networks. The Golioth Reference Design template works on top of existing

Microservices for Microcontrollers: Composable Software Architecture for Embedded Devices

Embedded systems, like any software system, benefits from modularizing software components, especially as they approach production. In this talk at the Embedded Open Source Summit 2024, Golioth Firmware Lead Sam Friedman talks about how to create "microservices" for microcontrollers.

Zephyr’s Native Simulator with Offloaded Sockets

When it comes to automated testing, Zephyr's Native Simulator is worth your consideration. The next release of Zephyr will include offloaded sockets for Native Simulator, which means CI tests that complete many times faster than their native-hardware equivalents.

How to Debug MCUboot (and Why I Needed To)

Golioth firmware engineer Mike Szczys walks through debugging the MCUboot bootloader using gdb. This is a slightly different task than normal Zephyr debugging, but can help to find tricky bugs.

Connecting Nordic’s new nRF9151 to Golioth

Golioth already works on the nRF9151 SIP and associated Dev Kit from Nordic Semiconductor. Utilize the Golioth Firmware SDK with nRF Connect SDK to connect your cellular device to an advanced IoT cloud immediately.

Digikey webinar with Golioth on June 13th 2024

Golioth will be joining our friends at Digikey on June 13th to talk about "Leveraging Zephyr to enable super-flexible IoT designs". 

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