

Follow-Along Hardware: Instantly recreate sophisticated IoT designs

Golioth Reference Designs now include purchasable hardware setups that mirror all functionality on our custom hardware solution....

How Golioth Built a User Interface with ePaper and Back-lit LEDs for Our IoT Hardware

Golioth's new custom hardware is an ePaper-based user interface that works with all of our reference designs. All it takes is Qwiic cable to connect to the i2c bus, and sensor readings and other information begins streaming to the face plate. Let's take a look!

Nordic’s brand new nRF7002 Wi-Fi chip already works with Golioth

The nRF7002 is a brand new WiFi chip from Nordic Semiconductor released earlier this month. Getting it up and running with Golioth is easy. Update NCS to the tip of main to pull in the newest driver work from Nordic, and make a configuration file for this board. Eli Hughes shows us how in this guest post.

Trialing PlatformIO and Arduino with Golioth (Labs)

This experiment combines Golioth with Arduino and PlatformIO. The project builds on ESP-IDF, including Arduino as a component. It's not meant for production devices, but may be useful for those migrating from Arduino to ESP-IDF.

Sipping Celluar IoT Power – A Golioth Webinar with Jared Wolff

The Golioth team will team up with Jared Wolff of CircuitDojo to talk about reducing power in cellular based designs connecting to the Cloud. Use the form on this post to take part in the webinar.

Golioth is headed to the Hackaday Superconference this weekend!

Golioth will be training and showcasing hardware enthusiasts at the 2022 Hackaday Superconference. See what we have in store.

ZDS: What Chip Shortage? How We Use Zephyr for Truly Modular Hardware

Learn how Zephyr RTOS and Golioth's modular hardware platform (Aludel) combine to reduce dependence on any one specific chip vendor.

Build a customized Thread network using off-the-shelf components

Use OpenThread + Zephyr + Golioth to build your next low power sensor network on off-the-shelf hardware.

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