Entries by Mike Szczys


How to Get Network Information from a Nordic nRF9160 Cellular Modem

Cellular-enabled devices are often deployed into far-flung locations. They are quite likely to be out of reach from physical access once deployed. Having a way to verify the network status for a device is really important to maintaining a fleet. Nordic Semiconductors (makers of the nRF9160) built tools for returning cellular connection info into the […]


CBOR Serialization in the Golioth Zephyr SDK: 20% Data Savings!

Golioth provides a lot of different services for your IoT fleet. Under the hood they all boil down to one thing: transferring some type of data to or from a constrained device. Whether it’s your microcontroller-based sensors sending back readings, or the new settings from the cloud being pushed to a device via Remote Procedure […]


How to Control LTE with the Nordic nRF9160 and Golioth

Here’s how to control the nRF9160 cellular modem, and what to do about your connection to Golioth when the modem is turned off. When building cellular IoT devices, the modem is often the most costly component in terms of power budget. Connecting to an LTE network also takes time. In both cases, manual control of the LTE connection means you make all the decision on when and how the radio is used.