Articles by

Jerónimo Agulló

Jerónimo graduated with honors in electronic engineering at Sevilla University. With a background in electronics and hardware design, he found embedded software to be his area of expertise. He has worked on IoT projects across different industries, from research centers such as the University of Sevilla, to large companies like Ferrovial Construction. He is an open-source projects enthusiast and a Zephyr RTOS contributor. Check out his work on his github profile.

How to localize your devices with GNSS, NMEA, and Zephyr

Guest author Jerónimo Agulló goes over the basics of GNSS and how the NMEA0183 set of messages standardizes communication between geolocation modules and microcontrollers. Then he shows how a new system in Zephyr makes it easier than ever to set up communication.

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