Our final free Zephyr training of 2023 (November)

Golioth has now trained current and future IoT engineers from across the globe more than 10 times. We have learned a lot about how to get people up and going with Zephyr, the popular Real Time Operating System and ecosystem. Our next training will happen November 29th, 2023. This will be our last training session of the year. The price continues to be…free!

What does training look like?

Our training on October 25th was another iteration of our ongoing series to show people how to get started with Zephyr. It broadly has two sections:

  • In the first hour we help you get your dev board (nRF9160-DK or nRF7002-DK) loaded up with a pre-built binary and connecting to the network. This lets us know that you understand the workflow and you can see early success at building an IoT project. You’ll load binaries directly to the board (no compiling required), input security credentials from the Golioth Console, watch the device connect, and then interact with readings on the Cloud.
  • In the second two hours, we take things back to basics and show you how Zephyr works from the ground up…with examples! As with any good project, we start from hello_world and blink examples, and build you all the way back up to things like using the connectivity on-board and then building a more complex IoT application in Zephyr. This includes plying more difficult topics like the Devicetree, as well as learning some RTOS topics like threads. Along the way we demo full featured applications like our Thingy91 demo and reference designs.

Sign up for November 29th training now!

You have one final chance to get in on the fun in 2023. We’ll have additional training sessions (with some fun new content) in 2024. Feel free to bring others from your company and work together on the sessions! We have had groups of trainees that were able to work together and even discuss how the Zephyr concepts will apply to their development inside their company.

Chris Gammell
Chris Gammell
Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

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