Introducing Golioth Solutions

Goiloth is excited to announce Golioth Solutions. Two new capabilities will help businesses to deploy IoT devices in a short period of time:

  • Golioth Solutions Services
  • Golioth Solutions Marketplace

A New Service Offering

Golioth Solutions Services solves many of the difficult problems at the beginning of developing an IoT product, namely pushing a fully formed idea out into the world. Golioth Solutions Engineers will help to identify how companies can best deploy the Golioth platform to solve their business needs and deliver a product that captures real-world data and provides consistent insight and control of your devices.

Our Solutions Engineers will work with you to formulate what is required for your particular business use-case and what kind of solution will get you there fastest. This includes hardware, firmware, cloud capabilities, fleet management, and application development. Our Solutions Engineers fill in the gaps where your team needs help. Perhaps you are a cloud software company looking to deploy a hardware device? Solutions Engineers will utilize existing hardware and firmware Solutions to send data up to Golioth and out to the platform of your choosing using Pipelines. What if you’re on the other spectrum and are a hardware company looking to connect custom hardware to the cloud? Our Solutions Engineers can set you up with known working hardware and firmware that you can use as reference while you develop your own custom hardware, while Solution Engineers consult on how data should be hitting the cloud and routing to outside services.

A Marketplace of Solutions

We are also launching Golioth Solutions Marketplace where customers can view existing solutions. These form the basis of “starting points” for many custom projects that Golioth Solutions Services will deliver.

In order to deliver IoT solutions in a short amount of time, we want our Solutions Engineers to have an arsenal of ready-made designs that can be customized to customers needs. This will include our internal Reference Designs as well as designs from Partners. We will continue to add to these designs and highlight them here on the blog when we have a new one available.

Designs from our Partners

The Golioth Solutions Marketplace includes production-grade hardware that has been produced by our Design Partners. The Solution also includes custom firmware and cloud capabilities that are targeted at a particular solution space and vertical application. Each of these designs are built on the Golioth platform and are customizable to specific business needs.

Many of these designs can also be repurposed towards a different vertical, based on the capability contained within the Solution. Our Solutions Engineers know how each of these technologies might fit a new, custom application. Since these solutions are developed by our Design Partners, the same creators of the hardware can also enhance and customize the product to your needs. As customers decide to scale, our Design Partners are well prepared to guide customers through production and productization.

Are you a product development shop interested in having your hardware listed in our Solutions Marketplace? Submit your designs now to start the process.

Introducing the Glassboard Shunt

One of our first Solutions comes from our design partner Glassboard, based out of Indianapolis in the US. The IoT Power Monitoring for Micromobility Solution includes a cellular-connected current shunt. This design is intended to measure battery currents on small vehicles. It works in both directions; measuring current being sourced to motors during motion, as well as charging currents going back into the battery. We recorded a video about this design and how it fits in with Golioth Solutions:

While this is initially targeted at micromobility applications, it’s easy to imagine how this device and starter firmware could be retargeted at a different vertical. One example could be monitoring a DC power source that powers LED lighting for a construction application.

How Golioth Solutions Engineers use designs

Solutions Engineers take input from customers and determine if any of our existing designs (like the Glassboard current shunt) are a good fit for the application at hand. Perhaps there is a new DC current measurement that could benefit from the existing hardware, but it needs to be tweaked to better fit the application space. Our Solutions Engineers first modify and test the firmware to fit the device needs, and then work with the customer to determine where the resulting data will go, and if there are additional needs around visualization or control of the fleet of devices. If the hardware requires some kind of modification, our Solutions Engineers will connect customers with the original designers to discuss the logistics of creating a custom version of the existing hardware.

Golioth Reference Designs

Another source of Golioth Solutions includes our range of Reference Designs, which can be customized and delivered by Golioth Solutions Services. We have been working on and refining Reference Designs for a few years now. These are end-to-end demonstrations of Golioth, built on top of custom hardware.

What about licensing? Well, all Golioth Reference Design Hardware is open source with a very permissive license. Customers can take the underlying hardware to one of our Design Partners and have them modify and extend the capabilities and refine it for production. You will be starting from a solution that is continually tested and can be easily extended using off-the-shelf sensor breakouts. Our Solutions Engineers can get you started extra quickly using the Follow Along Hardware version of these designs, which includes firmware that targets off-the-shelf development boards, in addition to the sensors. You can get started quickly, with no custom hardware required.

New Services + New Marketplace = Quicker time to market

Golioth Solutions and our associated marketplace exists to help users that need an IoT solution for their business, but don’t necessarily have the time or capabilities to build it themselves. We can bootstrap your solution from a sketch on a page to a working IoT device backed by a powerful IoT platform that handles all your data. Once the idea is proven out, we have a well-defined handoff to our Design Partners who can assist building that first device into a fleet of production-ready hardware that you can deploy to the field. You will be prototyping and testing using an IoT platform that is built for scale.

If you’d like to start building an IoT Solution that will serve your business, please get in touch! You can email [email protected] to find out more or fill out this form to directly schedule a meeting.

Chris Gammell
Chris Gammell
Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

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