How To

Useful Zephyr Shells for IoT Development

The Zephyr shell subsystem will help you directly interact with and troubleshoot your IoT hardware. This post details our most commonly used commands, as well as a listing of all Zephyr shell modules that we could extract from a recent project.

Guide to Securely Store Credentials on an nRF91 Modem

The Nordic nRF91 modems include secure storage for TLS credentials. This may be used to authenticate with Golioth. The assets are stored separately from the firmware, and once written, they cannot be read back from the device. This guide shows the process of storing and using credentials.

How to Add Golioth to an Existing Zephyr (or NCS) Project

Golioth removes the pain of connecting constrained devices to the cloud. This post shows you how to add Golioth to your existing Zephyr project and get your first device connected.

Using Zephyr SMP with Multiple MCUs

It's easy to see that Golioth makes firmware updates for internet-connected devices a snap. But combine Golioth Cohorts, our improved OTA event log, and interconnectivity tools like SMP, and you end up with a powerful OTA scheme for all of the controllers in a complex system.

Zephyr for Hardware Engineers: GPIO

Did you know that Zephyr doesn't have a plain old GPIO example? The closest thing is the blinky example that controls LEDs. Why is that? Zephyr expects you to write your own devicetree bindings. It's not that hard, and it's the topic of today's post.

How to Write a Zephyr Device Driver with a Custom API

Learn the ins and outs of the Zephyr driver subsystem and learn how to write your own custom driver APIs the Zephyr way!

WebAssembly on Zephyr

WebAssembly runs on microcontrollers, but why would you want to do that? Dan Mangum shows us how to use Wasm with Zephyr RTOS, why you would want to, and he even discuss how to decide if the tradeoffs fit your needs.

How to localize your devices with GNSS, NMEA, and Zephyr

Guest author Jerónimo Agulló goes over the basics of GNSS and how the NMEA0183 set of messages standardizes communication between geolocation modules and microcontrollers. Then he shows how a new system in Zephyr makes it easier than ever to set up communication.

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