Articles by

Vit Prajzler

Vit is the former CTO of Golioth. Previously he founded LORIOT, a LoRaWAN network management startup, and within 5 years bootstrapped it into a successful global business. In the previous 5 years he worked on banking security and IoT at IBM Research.

Golioth Certificate-Based Authentication

Certificates ensure secure connection between device and cloud, from provisioning until decommissioning. Today we are announcing the ability to use Certificates with the Golioth platform.

Why use certificates for Internet of Things authentication (DTLS)

How can security improve when manufacturing large volumes of devices? That's the question I ended on in...

Demo Culture at Golioth

When most or all of your company works remotely, you need to build your company differently. At Golioth, we have embraced a Demo culture to promote those chance encounters that help teams do amazing things. This article takes a look at how we share our work internally through all stages of development to involve everyone in knowing what's in progress, and to be open to sharing good ideas and creative feedback along the way.

A hardware company is very different from an IoT device company

Producing a connected device is very different from producing traditional electronics. In essence you need to transform your hardware-based business into a hardware and software-as-a-service business. This challenge is tremendous and you need to know what to expect before taking the plunge into IoT.

Yes, even your IoT prototype should be secure

Vit Prajzler, CTO of Golioth, explains the concept of a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) and how it lends a simple but flexible amount of security for prototypes on the Golioth network. IoT prototypes on the Golioth platform are "Secure by default".

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