Articles by

Chris Gammell

Chris is the Head of Developer Relations and Hardware at Golioth. Focusing on hardware and developer relations at that software company means that he is trying to be in the shoes of a hardware or firmware developer using Golioth every day. He does that by building hardware and reference designs that Golioth customers can use to bootstrap their own designs.

The Design-For-Hire Ecosystem

What makes a product development firm successful? This short post considers how IoT projects are ever-changing and how devshops need to keep up with the latest trends.

Learn how to use Golioth with NXP and Memfault

Golioth's new partnership with Memfault enables device data to seamlessly flow back to the cloud over CoAP and out to the Memfault platform. An upcoming webinar with Memfault and NXP will show how it's done.

Follow-Along Hardware: Instantly recreate sophisticated IoT designs

Golioth Reference Designs now include purchasable hardware setups that mirror all functionality on our custom hardware solution....

Our final free Zephyr training of 2023 (November)

Golioth continues a free Zephyr training series in November 2023, but this will be the final training session of the year.

Everything you wanted to know about Environmental Monitoring (webinar)

On September 28th, 2023 at noon EDT / 9 am PDT, we're hosting a webinar with Keenan...

Manifests: Project Sanity in the Ever-Changing Zephyr World

If you take one thing away from this , it should be this: Manifest files are a...

Get more out of your Rev A hardware

Delivering an IoT hardware product is expensive and risky. This talk is about how engineers can squeeze more learning from their first prototype to build a successful product.

Golioth trains future Zephyr engineers

Golioth just wrapped another Zephyr training session that was open to the public. This was a group...

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